Women's Thesaurus Published
Library of Women's Works publishes a thesaurus of works and concepts related to works on women. The project was initiated on 2005. A group of volunteers indexed works on gender studies and women's related issues.
In the foreword, Şeyda Talu states that they have taken the European Women's Thesaurus as an example. The aim of developing a common European indexing system was to give a tool to women's libraries and archives in Europe to enable them to create a gender indexing system. Lack of any standardized efforts in this field caused difficulty while contemplating the project. Two panel discussions were held on cataloguing women's works without a discriminatory approach during the process.
Main titles in the thesaurus are as follows:
Structure, geography, time, anthropology, language, literature, religion, world views, sciences, vocations, free time, teaching, economics, philosophy, family issues, parenting, law, gender studies, media, psychology, health, body, arts, politics, social relations, history, sheltering.
Previously, bianet had compiled a gender-based dictionary in 2000, which included 115 terms to assist journalist.
The Library announced that the thesaurus should be updated regularly in collaboration with interested parties to avoid the loss of knowledge about women and gender studies. "We can then create a memory of gender related issues and further the knowledge on gender studies."
Those participated in the project are as follows:
Aslı Davaz, Ayşa Kurtoğlu, Ayşe Gündüz Hoşgör, Ayşegül Yaraman, Ayten Sökücü, Beril Eyüpoğlu, Berrin Yanıkkaya, Bülent Keseroğlu, Canan Arın, Ercan Güngöroğlu, Fatmagül Berktay, Fil Mor, Füsun Akatlı, Gamze Karadağ, Garip Buluş, Gökçe Bayrakçeken Tüzel, Gönül Küfteoğlu, Hacer Nalbantoğlu, Hasan Keseroğlu, Hidayet Tuksal, Hülya Hayatseven, Işıl Baş, Mahan Doğrusöz, Meryem Turan, Metin Yeğenoğlu, Mine Tan, Necla Gökçe, Nevval Sevindi, Özden Sözalan, Selma Atabek, Serpil Çakır, Simten Çoşar, Sönmez Taner, Şeyda Talu, Şirin Tekeli, Yasemin Öz, Yıldız Ecevit, Yüksel Selek, Zelal Ayman ve Zeynep Direk.(EZÖ/AGÜ)
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