Women’s Platform for Equality denounces legitimization of child abuse

* Photo: Social Media
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The Women's Platform for Equality (EŞİK) has released a written statement regarding the remarks of Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey (TİHEK) Chair Süleyman Arslan about child abuse.
In his statement released on the official social media account of the institution, Arslan said, "Early marriage and the offense of child abuse should be differentiated from one another. People should not be put on trial for infamous crimes just because they get married at an early age."
He also argued that "this attitude violates the rights of persons and their families, especially those of the children born in these marriages."
Denouncing these remarks in its statement, the EŞİK platform has noted that what Arslan said is contrary to the founding purpose of the TİHEK.
"Süleyman Arslan made unreal statements about the İstanbul Convention and brought forward a proposal that would pave the way for forced child marriages," the platform has protested.
Noting that "what was meant by 'early marriage' in Arslan's statement is the marriages forced on children under the age of 18 and generally on girls by their parents," the platform has underlined the following points:
"Accepting these marriages just because adults approved of them or considering the rape attempted to be covered up with marriage to be different from the crime of sexual abuse committed against children on the grounds of marriage afterwards is beyond whitewashing the crimes of child abuse; this attitude means exposing all children to abuse and rape in the name of 'marriage' and condemning them to live in an environment of violence all through their lives."
'It misleads the society'
Other highlights from the statement are as follows:
"Arslans' attitude attempting to portray sexual abuse of children as legitimate does not only deny human rights of children, it also represents a mindset which is in open violation of human rights by condoning the abuses.
"As for his remarks about the İstanbul Convention, what he said supports the allegations aiming to mislead the society and smear the convention.
"The İstanbul Convention is not a document of values that changes from society to society, it is an alliance of universal values that is based on international human rights law and aims to prevent gender-based violence.
'Human rights convention targeted'
"As indicated in all international conventions on human rights and the Constitution of Turkey, the İstanbul Convention mentions the application of all rights guaranteed by the convention to everyone without any discrimination. With his remarks, Arslan targeted not only the İstanbul Convention, but all international conventions on human rights.
"It is irrational and unconscientious that an official of the state, which is obligated to protect all citizens and human rights, and especially an official who is in charge of a state institution responsible for human rights has such an attitude that violates the most fundamental human rights of children and women and could invite incidents of sexual abuse and rape."
Concluding its remarks, the EŞİK has reiterated that the statement of TİHEK Chair Süleyman Arslan is far away from human rights principles and supports human rights abuses. The platform has called on the relevant athorities to dismiss him over his statement. (RT/SD)