Women’s Initiative for Peace: We Dream a World that We Can Giggle in”

Women from Women’s Initiative for Peace (Barış İçin Kadın Girişimi) made a press statement in Bakırköy district of İstanbul and distributed letters and purple ribbons to other women. The initiative said they were insistent on peace.
"We dream a world that we giggle in”
Züleyha Gülüm from Women’s Initiative for Peace read a letter:
“We dream another realm. A place where the war is over. A place of which trees aren’t burned down with bombs. We dream a place that we can have equal rights to govern. We dream a place that we can discuss things loudly and when we are exposed to tear gas we can neutralize it with the crowd. We dream a world that we giggle in as Kurds, Turks, Cherkess, Laz, Alevi, Sunni and Armenian.
"We dream a world that our children will not live in warfare. We are the half of the community. We can stop the war. If we are determined we can do it."
Women’s Initiative for Peace gathered yesterday in Galatasaray Square of İstanbul at 7.30 p.m. The meeting #INeedPeace was intervened in by the police upon the order of the Governor of İstanbul for ‘security’ reasons.
Women unfurled banners ‘Us women won’t be silent, arms should be laid down, we need peace,” and practiced casserole protests.
Military operations in southeastern Turkey was reminded:
“We couldn’t receive information from these cities since telephone lines went dead. We don’t know the number of the casualties. They blocked us to access since they have something to hide. We know what war means. ”
"We won’t let bombings disappoint us”
"We won’t let bombings disappoint us. Mostly, women get harmed from the war. We won’t close our eyes to the president and his greed. We are on duty for the peace. We are here for the peace.
“Suruç massacre, bombings in Qandil Mountains, executions and fire everywhere…Everyone is detained and we can’t get information. #WeWon’tBeSilentAsAWoman. (EA/SB/EA)
*We benefited from censored Etkin News Agency (ETHA) for this news.
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