Women's Day messages from İmamoğlu, Demirtaş

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İstanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu and Peoples' Democratic Party's (HDP) imprisoned former co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş have marked Women's Day on Twitter.
İmamoğlu tweeted, "I congratulate March 8 International Women's Day off all women politicians In the person of İYİ Party Chair Ms. Meral Akşener, HDP Co-Chair Ms. Pervin Buldan, and of all my mayor counterparts."
While Akşener did not respond to the mayor's message, Buldan wrote, "Thank you, Mr. Mayor."
Later in the day, she joined İmamoğlu and his spouse Dilek İmamoğlu in a ceremony for the establishment of a memorial forest for women.
Meanwhile, İYİ Party MP Yavuz Ağıralioğlu criticized İmamoğlu for mentioning Akşener's with Buldan, whom he said has not distanced herself from "a murder network that has taken away their children from moms for years," referring to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The HDP has often been by accused other political parties of having links to the outlawed group.
Demirtaş wrote, "If only we learned to behave like a human instead of 'like a man...' We could stop acting hypocritical and start by admitting that the problem is a male problem. Hope is not in men, only women's struggle can correct us. If we don't support them, let's not be an obstacle. Jin, jiyan, azadi [women, life, freedom in Kurdish]."
İYİ Parti Genel Başkanı Sayın @meral_aksener ve HDP Eş Genel Başkanı Sayın @PervinBuldan'ın nezdinde tüm kadın siyasetçilerin ve Türkiye genelindeki kadın belediye başkanı mevkidaşlarımın 8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü'nü kutlarım.
— Ekrem İmamoğlu (@ekrem_imamoglu) March 7, 2021
"Adam gibi" yerine insan gibi davranmayı öğrensek...
— Selahattin Demirtaş (@hdpdemirtas) March 8, 2021
İki yüzlü davranmayı bırakıp sorunun erkek sorunu oluğunu kabul etmekle başlayabiliriz.
Umut erkeklerde değil, bizi ancak kadınların mücadelesi düzeltebilir. Destek olmuyorsak engel olmayalım.
Jin, jiyan, azadî.