‘Women in Statistics’ by TurkStat: Men dominate employment in Turkey

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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), Turkey's state agency responsible for producing official statistics, has released the "Women in Statistics" for 2021 ahead of March 8 International Women's Day.
Referring to the Address Based Population Registration System, the TurkStat has announced that while the female population of Turkey was 42 million 252 thousand 172 persons, the male population was 42 million 428 thousand 101 persons in 2021. In other words, women constituted 49.9 percent and men constituted 50.1 percent of the total population.
Education level
Compiling the "Women in Statistics" for last year, TurkStat has also cited the results of the National Education Statistics Database.
Accordingly, between 2008 and 2020, it was observed that the proportion of those aged 25 and over and completed at least one level of education in the total population has increased over the years.
The proportion of individuals aged 25 and over and completed at least one level of education was 81.1 percent in 2008 and 92.9 percent in 2020.
When the proportion of those who completed at least one education level by sex was examined; it was 72.6 percent for women and 89.8 percent for men in 2008 and it was 87.7 percent and 98.1 percent in 2020.
The proportion of the population aged 25 and over and who were at least university graduates within the total population was 9.8 percent in 2008 and 22.1 percent in 2020. When this proportion was analyzed by sex; while it was 7.6 percent for women and 12.1 percent for men in 2008, this proportion was 19.9 percent for women and 24.4 percent for men in 2020.
* Proportion of those who have completed at least one educational level by sex (%), 2008-2020 (Source: TurkStat, National Education Statistics Database)
Women's employment
In 2020, the proportion of those who were 15 years of age and over and in employment was 42.8 percent in Turkey. This proportion was 26.3 percent for women and 59.8 percent for men.
According to the results of the same household labor force survey; when the labor force participation rate by education status was investigated, it was seen that as the education status of women increased, more women participated in the labor force. The participation rate was 12.4 percent for illiterate women, 24.1 percent for women who graduated from less than high school, 29.9 percent for women who graduated from high school, 37 percent for women who graduated from vocational high school and 65.6 percent for women who graduated from higher education.
19.5 percent in part-time employment
According to the results of the household labor force survey, the proportion of part-time workers in employment was 12.4 percent in total in 2020, this proportion was 19.5 percent for women and 9.3 percent for men.
While the employment rate of individuals in the 25-49 age group living in households with children under age 3 was 59.8 percent in 2014, it was 56.8 percent in 2020. When this rate was analyzed by sex, it was 25.2 percent for females and 85.5 percent for males in 2020.
According to the life satisfaction survey results cited by TurkStat, while the 61.9 percent of the employed people stated that they were satisfied with the time spent for commuting time, this proportion was 63.5 percent for employed women and 61.3 percent for employed men in 2021.
* Selected indicators for women and men (Source: TurkStat, National Education Statistics Database, 2020 TurkStat, Household Labour Force Survey, 2020)
Representation of women in politics
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while the proportion of women ambassadors was 11.9 percent in 2011, this proportion was 26.5 percent in 2021. While the proportion of male ambassadors was 88.1 percent in 2011, this proportion was observed as 73.5 percent in 2021.
According to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) data; among the 582 deputies, it was seen that the number of women deputies was 101 and the number of male deputies was 481 by the end of the year 2021. While the proportion of women deputies entering the parliament was 9.1 percent in 2007, this proportion was 17.4 percent in 2021.
According to higher education statistics, while the proportion of women professors was 27.6 percent in the educational year of 2010/'11, it was 32.4 percent in the educational year of 2020/'21. The proportion of women who work in associate professor staff was 40.1 percent, the proportion of women who work in instructor staff was 50.6 percent.
Women in management positions: 19.3 percent
According to the results of the household labor force survey; the proportion of women in upper and middle level management positions in the companies was 14.4 percent in 2012 and 19.3 percent in 2020.
According to the marriage statistics, while the mean marriage age of women who officially made their first marriage in 2021 was 25.4, it was 28.1 for men. 25.8 percent of women and 38.7 percent of men who divorced in the first 5 years of marriage were in the 30-39 age group.
Women using the Internet: 77.5 percent
According to information and communication technology usage surveys by households and individuals results, the proportion of individuals at the age group of 16-74 using the Internet was 82.6 percent in 2021. This proportion was 77.5 percent for women and 87.7 percent for men.
Feelings of insecurity
According to life satisfaction survey results, while the proportion of the individuals who felt insecure when they were walking alone at night in their own neighborhood was 25 percent total, this proportion was 35.5 percent for women and 14.2 percent for men in 2021. 48.1 percent of women and 70.9 percent of men felt secure in their own neighborhood.
The proportion of the individuals who felt insecure when they were alone at home was 6.6 percent in total, this proportion was 9.1 percent for women, 4 percent for men. 78.1 percent of women, 87.3 percent of men felt secure when they were alone at home in 2021. (SD)