Women from Turkey Welcome Refugee Women: We are Glad That You are Here

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Yoğurtçu Women's Forum gathers at Yoğurtçu Park in Kadıköy every Wednesday to discuss different issues about women's lives. This week's gathering focused on discussing migration, immigrant women and removal of refugees and questioning what responsibilities we have.
This week, the forum was held in the office of Social Solidarity and Communication Association (SODİD). Joining the forum, women talked about violation of rights and unlawful practices encountered in removal of refugees:
'They are reported by their neighbors'
"Identity checks have become more frequent in places where refugees live. Not only Syrians, but the ones from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa are also on pins and needles. They do not know what will happen. Especially women and children cannot leave their houses and think about what they will do.
"Lots of refugees are reported by their neighbors in Tarlabaşı. After the removal of refugees started, such reports and accusations have increased considerably. (...) In places such as Esenler, Başakşehir and Sultanbeyli, the police raid houses, saying that they have received a report."
'It is usually children and women who are without an ID'
A women who indicated that she works for a non-governmental organization on refugees started speaking and shared her experiences:
"There are Syrians that we have rescued from removal centers. The identity cards of most of them are seized. It is generally the men who have ID cards. Children and women are, unfortunately, without an identity card. That is why they get stuck in houses.
"Notifications saying 'leave the city' are sent to houses of refugees. But, we understood that such things would happen. When they started to hinder or not register refugees in hospitals, schools and civil registries, we realized that a large-scale mistreatment was imminent.
"They are sent back, but how are they sent back? It is also an important question. Under what conditions are they sent back? What do women experience till they come to the border? They can even be sexually abused while crossing the border. They can be subjected to violence. This has no limits. Just as they were subjected to such things while they were coming here, they can experience the same things while they are going back.
"The [ruling] Justice and Development Party (AKP) lost the [local] election and it was taking its revenge on refugees. But, the municipalities of the [main opposition] Republican People's Party (CHP) does not behave any different after they were elected. In fact, addressing us NGOs in meetings, they openly say, 'We received votes with this policy, we cannot do anything.' They do not take a very different attitude than the AKP."
Women are strong together
Creating a space for women to express themselves in Kadıköy, the forum ended with the answers given to the questions "What can we do?" and "What responsibilities do we have?". Deciding to solidarize with refugee women, the forum's women listed the following answers:
* So much can change with little, face-to-face contacts. A one-to-one help can bring out more concrete and tangible results. There are solidarity associations in three places in İstanbul. Refugees and local community protect themselves in these places. We should also take this step.
* We need to do things that will raise public awareness.
* We can demand Arabic or Kurdish lessons from local administrations. A request can be made, saying we want to get in contact with refugees and to live in solidarity with them.
* They sell tickets to refugees at really high prices in Esenler Bus Terminal. But, a number of volunteers can go to these bus terminals and help these people. They can be given the telephone numbers of those who live in cities where they are destined.
* It can also be helpful to write 'Don't worry' on pieces of paper and distribute them with phone numbers that they can call. The tiniest thing written in Arabic on a wall can be lifesaving for them.
* We can send telegrams to refugees living in other cities.
* We should also understand how urgent the situation is and try to make time. We should request time for refugees.
* Violations of rights suffered by refugees can also be reported to the 157 service line. We can also seek help at 183 service line for the family, child, disabled and violence.
* It could also be helpful to push or publicize the rights legally entitled to refugees.
* A pool can be created from people who speak Arabic.
* We can raise this issue again and discuss it with academics and support of the NGOs.
* It should be ensured that they are sent back to the provinces where they are registered, rather than back to Syria. Or they should be registered in provinces that admit new registrations. We want them to live wherever they feel good, but it should not be overlooked that we do not have the chance to bargain anymore.
Concluding the forum, the women sent a message to refugee women: "We are glad that you are here, welcome." (Aİ/SO/SD)