Women for Peace Initiative: What do We Want?

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In a wrritent statement, the Women for Peace Initiative has questioned “the war waged for the sake of peace” and asked: “Have we built our dreams on us, our children or beloved ones becoming human, growing up, receiving education, being happy and shaping their future or really them becoming heroes?”
The Women for Peace Initiative’s statement is as follows:
We women ask: What do we want? Once again war for peace, tension for the sake of tranquillity, death in the name of life wander around our top in these days. We all pay the price for these policies which affect deeply the whole society. Cross-border plans and tactical games built bring death, violence, uneasiness and uncertainty with it. Instead of listening, understanding, solving what women know, not seeing, not knowing, not hearing is chosen. We have been struggling in a big game which we don’t know about but we think we do for a while. Do we as society ask for grand accounts, endless grudge and revenges instead of daily ordinary lives that are based on living and making others live? Have we built our dreams on us, our children or beloved ones becoming human, growing up, receiving education, being happy and shaping their future or really them becoming heroes? Is demonstration of power, striking around and chain of tyranny what we really desire? What do we, this society, women and men, young and old people, believers and non-believers, rich and poor, really want? #SavaşınGerçekleri (Realities of War) |