"Women Complicit with Rapists" - Part of Academic Freedom?

Prof. Orhan Çeker, Head of Department at the Selçuk University Theological Faculty, said in February that the clothes, low-cut dresses in particular, of raped and sexually assaulted women lead to the provocation of their attackers. A preliminary investigation was initiated on the grounds of Çeker's statement.
His words created a stir in the national media and the academic landscape, the controversial discussion of his statement made the headlines for days. However, as the result of the preliminary probe it was now decided not to launch an investigation about Çeker.
"A complaint after provocation is not reasonable"
In his disputed statement made to a newspaper, Çeker had said, "Who is in the focus of this problem? Women. Sister, if you wear a décolleté it is not a surprise that you encounter this sort of offensiveness. It is not reasonable to complain about the result after a provocation. I do not mean to defend the offenders in this context. Of course this kind of crime is extremely repulsive. Yet, the impact on this crime of women wearing low-cut dresses and provoking clothes is big enough not to be underrated. Of course the man is guilty in this issue but we pursue the wrong solution if we ignore the guilt of the woman. Both sides are guilty in this kind of incidents".
Preliminary investigation launched upon directive of YÖK
Çeker's statement evoked many reactions. Prof. Ziya Özcan, President of the Higher Education Higher Education (YÖK), instantly gave the directive to the Rector of the Selçuk University, Süleyman Okudan, to open a preliminary investigation.
As a result, it was decided not to launch an investigation about Prof. Çeker.
The Investigation Board reportedly assessed the statement as remaining within freedom of academic expression of the teaching staff and announced that they did not come across any elements of crime included in the statement. (EKN/EÖ/VK)