Women Are Fed Up With Sexism In Advertisements

Women’s Media Watch Group (MEDİZ) organized an activity to “End Sexually Discriminatory Advertisement” in front of the Advertisers Association on İstiklal Street in İstanbul within the framework of the campaign to “End Sexual Discrimination in Media”
The women chanted slogans such as “We will not buy Barbies to our daughters”, “We are not in love with our sheets, nor passionately attached to our curtains”, “We do not carry in our purses stain removers”, “End sexual exploitation in advertisements”, “We are not Barbies and we will not be”, “Long live women’s solidarity.”
The press release of Mediz to “End Sexually Discriminatory Advertisement” is as follows:
“We are fed up with the sexually discriminatory language, discourse and mentality dominant in media in general! We are tired of the creativity in the advertisements that does really not create anything new!”
“We are fed up!”
“…of watching women dancing with the surface cleaners, women in love with their sheets, women who are passionately attached to their curtains, women who are carrying stain removers in their purses.”
“In order to sell your products, can you not find any other creative way than using women’s bodies, feeding on all sorts of implications and taboos about sexuality?”
“You think that housework is woman’s duty, but at the time you ignore how demanding housework is and woman’s labor in the house. Do you think that housework is a cheery job done dancing with the brooms?”
“How did you reach the idea that women’s dreams consist of new curtains, stainless floors?”
“We are fed up with “the paper dolls”, zero size bodies, the cartoon women of the advertisement world! We want to see real women.”
“We do not want to see advertisements that produce sexuality and sexual prejudices, reflect sexual taboos.”
“We condemn all these advertisements that promote sexual discrimination and violate the mental and bodily integrity of women and we do not consume these products!”
“We invite everyone responsible for advertisements, the Advertising Self-Regulatory Board, the Advertisers Association, and the Turkish Association of Advertising Agents to act responsibly, the consumer organizations to struggle against the sexual discrimination in advertisements, and all women to not buy the products with advertisements that degrade women.” (NZ/GG/TB)