Women and LGBTI+s take to streets despite obstacles

Women and LGBTI+s are coming together in Sıraselviler, near İstanbul's Taksim square, to hold the Feminist Night March. bianet is providing live updates:
21.58: A group of people attempted to march to Taksim Square but were prevented by the police.
21.40: The Feminist Night March Committee has announced the conclusion of the demonstration.
21.15: Women and LGBTI+s read out a statement in Cihangir.
20.30: Women and LGBTI+s are marching towards Cihangir Street.
20.21: Women and LGBTI+s remembered the names of imprisoned Kurdish women politicians Gültan Kışanak and Sebahat Tuncel, calling out, "Speak up." Additionally, the crowd frequently chants slogans like "Femicides are political" and "Trans murders are political."
20.15: The Organizing Committee announced that they would start marching from Sıraselviler towards Cihangir Avenue.
20.08: In Sıraselviler, chants of "Jin, jiyan, azadî" (Woman, life, freedom) can be heard.
#FeministGeceYürüyüşü ♀️ Sıraselviler'de "Jin, jiyan, azadî" (Kadın, yaşam, özgürlük) sloganları atılıyor.
— bianet (@bianet_org) March 8, 2024
📹 Video: @tucyil pic.twitter.com/11D7EGRS42
20.03: Chants of "Not just condemnation, cut off the trade, "End the war, occupation, genocide", "Palestinian women are not alone", and "Women of Rojava are not alone" resonate.
19.50: Women and LGBTI+s chanting "Zıplamayan Tayyip’tir" (The one who doesn't jump is Tayyip) and "Aç aç, barikatı aç" (Open open, lift the barricade) await the removal of the police barricade on Sıraselviler Street.
19:28: In Sıraselviler, Women and LGBTI+s unfurled the main banner: "Our salvation is feminist struggle!" Behind the banner, signs in Turkish and Kurdish were carried.
19:20: In Sıraselviler, the enthusiasm of March 8 grows with the accompaniment of a brass band.
#FeministGeceYürüyüşü ♀️ Sıraselviler’de bando eşliğinde 8 Mart coşkusu büyüyor.
— bianet (@bianet_org) March 8, 2024
📹Video: @tucyil pic.twitter.com/T4lYICUBpK
19:15: The Organizing Committee invites all women and LGBTI+s to Firuzağa at 19:30.
18:45: In front of the Feminist Space on Tel Street, a "Feminist Rebellion" flag is unfurled. The flag is then moved to Sıraselviler.
18:40: Entrance is open from Karaköy, Tophane, Fındıklı, Gümüşsuyu, and Cihangir to Sıraselviler Street. Hundreds of women and LGBTI+s chant slogans like "Open the barricade" and "Police, get lost, these streets are ours." They express support for Palestinians against the Israeli genocide with banners and flags.
18:10: Women and LGBTI+s march from Faikpaşa Street to Sıraselviler with the slogan "Everywhere is Taksim, everywhere is resistance."
#FeministGeceYürüyüşü ♀️ Kadınlar ve LGBTİ+'lar "Her yer Taksim, her yer direniş" sloganlarıyla Faik Paşa Caddesi’nden Sıraselviler'e yürüyor.https://t.co/mqyToUWbcC pic.twitter.com/UUrSz98SN6
— bianet (@bianet_org) March 8, 2024
17:50: The Feminist Night March Organization Committee reiterates its call for Sıraselviler Street: "Passages from Karaköy and Kabataş will also be open. See you at Sıraselviler at 19:30!"
17:35: Police begin to block the side streets leading from Sıraselviler to the Cihangir Multi-Storey Car Park. Riot police are deployed around the car park area.
17:20: Police prevent passage from Taksim Education and Research Hospital to Sıraselviler Street, placing barricades on the road. They ask citizens to show proof of residence or documents indicating they stayed in hospitals or hotels to allow passage. The Feminist Night March Committee redirects groups to cafes around the hospital.
#FeministGeceYürüyüşü ♀️ Polis, Taksim Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi'nin önünden Sıraselviler Caddesi'ne geçişleri engelliyor. Yurttaşlardan ikamet adresi ya da hastane ve otellerde kaldıklarına dair belge göstermelerini istiyor.https://t.co/mqyToUWbcC pic.twitter.com/VkydgjGOsD
— bianet (@bianet_org) March 8, 2024
17:00: Women and LGBTI+s continue to wait in venues on Sıraselviler Street. Although police close off side streets with barriers, pedestrian access to the main street is allowed. In Karaköy, streets remain open, and access is not blocked.
16:15: Police completely close Sıraselviler Street to vehicle traffic. Identity checks are conducted at crossings, and group passages are not permitted.
16:10: Women and LGBTI+s attempt to reach Sıraselviler Street from side streets; no gathering has occurred yet.
16:00: Police start to block side streets leading to Sıraselviler Street with barriers.
15:40: Police barriers and buses are positioned on all roads leading to Sıraselviler and Cihangir Street. Crossings have not been closed yet.
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