Women Address Metal-Labor: Is a Woman Seeking Her Right a Crime?

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Esenyalı Women’s Solidarity Association has stated that a discharged laborer woman was harassed by the workplace representative of the United Metal-Labor Union and asked the union about the investigation in which they “found her at fault”.
According to the statement issued by the association, its member Serap C. was working at Mata Automotive factory, which manufactures auto parts, in which Birleşik Metal-Labor Union is organized.
She was fired on the pretext of low performance in August. Serap C. told that the union representative she met regarding the matter said, “It is none of my business, do whatever you want”.
Following the letter in which Serap C. explained the incident being published on Evrensel daily newspaper and on Facebook page of Metal Laborers’ Voice, the union’s workplace representative started to harass the discharged woman via fake accounts.
On the other hand, the union found Serap C. “at fault” in the investigation launched upon her request.
The association called for the women’s organization for solidarity. (ÇT/TK)