"Winner of World Cup isn’t Brazil's People"

Today, a demonstration has been organized outside General Consulate of Brazil in Istanbul by the invitation of Rhythm of Resistance group.
Rhythm of Resistance (Direnişin Ritimleri) identified themselves as political activists who are using the samba dance as means of political action. The group attracted onlookers’ attention by making music and playing football.
“From square to square, from north forests [of Istanbul] to rain forests in Amazon, from gecekondus to favelas: We hail Brazil’s labor and urban movements with solidarity and amity,” the group said in a statement.
While police and private security took notice outside the consulate premisses, no intervention has been made.
What are they opposing?
According to the press release, they brought attention to existing events in Brazil again.
When billions of dollars were spent for the World Cup preparations in Brazil, Brazilian people can’t have their basic needs such as shelter, education, health. Those who raise their voices in the demands of rising representation of these demands in the budget face with strongly intervention of police.
A total of 15 billion dollars have been spent within the preparations including the construction of 12 and a 900 M dollar security contract with Condor - a supplier of tear gas for Turkey’s police.
In addition to that, around 170,000 people have been evicted from their homes in the state of Pernabuco with no repartitions due to urban renewal policies. (YÖ/PA/HK/GA/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.