Winner is Glassworkers in Fight Against Discharges

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Resistance of workers against discharges on the pretexts of “shrinkage” and “cost increase” has produced results at Kırklareli Paşabahçe Glass Factory in Şişecam. Way of “reemployment” has been paved for 90 workers as a result of the negotiations.
Şişecem committee and workers came together yesterday (October 23). It was decided in the meeting that the 90 workers can start working in Eskişehir, and those who don’t want to go to Eskişehir will be made eligible to enjoy incentive practices.
90 workers fired from the factory had started a march from Lüleburgaz to İstanbul with the demands of “Work, food, justice”. The march was obstructed at the Tekirdağ border due to the demonstration and march ban issued under the State of Emergency.
Gendarmerie and police forces were deployed to the area where the workers were spending the night, barricades were set up and the workers continued their protest until the day of the meeting.
Issuing a statement following the meeting, the workers said “It is firstly our, then the whole workers’ victory”. (PT/TK)