Wind plant project in Northern Forests 'will destroy one of İstanbul's few natural areas'

Photo: Northern Forests Defense
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Twelve environmental groups have launched an online petition demanding the termination of a wind power plant in İstanbul's Northern Forests in Çatalca district.
The project comprising 44 wind turbines is undertaken by the Germany-based Dirkshof company and will be the largest wind farm in Turkey if completed.
However, environmentalists say that the project site is in and around the Çilingoz Wildlife Development Zone and it would destroy the 300-year old oak forests, as well as the biodiversity they contain.
The project site is also on the migration route of storks and lesser spotted eagles, the petition says, noting that the route is used by more than 120,000 storks and 90 percent of the lesser spotted eagles in the world every year.
As well as causing the death of migrating birds by pulling gliding birds into their vortex, the wind turbines will also destroy the resting areas of them, according to the groups.
"Also, 34 birds living in this area are under protection by international treaties that Turkey is a party to," says the petition.
The positive environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for the project was not in compliance with laws and EIA procedures, the groups said.
"Putting lives of people in the region at risk, this project will also destroy one of İstanbul's last remaining natural areas and hundreds of thousands of living beings in this region.
"In the area where the İstanbul Wind Power Plant Project is planned to be implemented, there are many other wind power projects located in forest areas as well.
"It is necessary to consider the environmental impacts of similar activities in the region as a whole. The EIA positive decision made by the administration without being subjected to cumulative impact assessment is flawed."
The groups signed the petition: Northern Forests Defense, Foresters' Association of Turkey, Çatalca Nature Defense, Natural Life Conservation Foundation (DAYKO), Saray Natural Life Conservation Association, Ergene City Council, Marmaraereğlisi Environmental Volunteers Association, Silivri Environmental Association, Trakya Environmental Volunteers Association, Return to Nature Association. (TP/VK)