‘Why wait for gender equality? Let’s take action today’

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Volkan Bozkır, the President of the 75th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, has addressed the audience at the UN High-level meeting on the 25th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women.
In his introductory remarks, Bozkır explained "why he would like to make a call to each and everyone" in following words:
"We do not often face issues that each one of us must personally address. It is very rare that each member of the society has a role to play to make the world a better place. It is even rarer that when each one of us takes a small step we can achieve a huge change. This is why I would like to make a call, to each and everyone of us today."
Asking the audience "when the world will reach full gender equality," Bozkır has called on everyone to not waste any more time to reach this goal:
'A lasting peace with women's engagement'
"I urge you to accept this simple fact: 'A woman in power, is not a threat'. It is time that men and women realise that when we embrace and celebrate diversity we all prosper.
"When the needs of women, who have been forcibly displaced are addressed, we are all safer. When women are engaged in peace processes, we are more likely to have lasting peace. When we break barriers and stereotypes, we can achieve what we never thought possible.
"To the boys around the world: Know that you are equal in every way to your sisters. You are no better or worse. But you have an extra responsibility to make space, to listen, to learn to be an ally. It is up to us to recognize our privilege. And finally, to my granddaughters, and all girls around the world: Know this: there is nothing that women cannot do. Dare to be the first. Dare to do what no woman has done before.
"We need more women in power. There is power in a podium. There is power in information, data and science. There is power in your words. There is power in sharing your lived experience.
"There is power in an outstretched hand. There is power in solidarity. Never doubt your personal power. Assert your power.
'Why wait? Let's take action'
"I have to ask the question: When will we reach full gender equality? In 2030? On the fiftieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference for Women? On the centenary of the United Nations?
"Why wait? Let us take action today, to ensure equality tomorrow. It is up to you. It is up to all of us.
"We need the full buy-in from governments, civil society, the private sector, the United Nations and you at home. The power of multilateralism is fueled by individual actions, by decision-makers at all levels.
"It is time to level the playing field. Each and every one of us has the opportunity and power to make a change. I trust that we are in this together."
Erdoğan attended with a video message
President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has also attended the meeting with a video message.
"We carry out our combat in fighting violence against women with a multifaceted, holistic approach and with the principle of zero tolerance," Erdoğan has, briefly adding the following about the issue:
"Even 25 years after its adoption, the Beijing Declaration remains a milestone for the rights of women and girls. We attach great importance to the review process of the Declaration at the local, regional and global levels.
"However, the review processes show that progress falls behind what was committed in 1995. From this day on, it is clear that more needs to be done.
"We can never tolerate even a single woman in our country being exposed to violence, incurring the violation of her rights, law and dignity.
Emphasis on the effects of pandemic
"On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how fragile women's rights still are, even after 25 years. Women have been at the top of the social segments most adversely affected by the pandemic.
"We have witnessed that in many countries acts of violence against women have escalated and the burden on women's shoulders has become economically and socially heavier.
"It is the responsibility of all of us to make sure that women come out stronger from this difficult process. In this regard, we find it meaningful that this year's review is made within the scope of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda." (EMK/SD)