'Who will Pay the Price for Coronavirus Pandemic? We Won't'

"The neighborhood is ours, the house is rented. #WeDontPay" (Photo: Twitter)
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People who lost their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic have founded the "We Don't Pay Movement" (Ödemiyoruz Hareketi) on social media.
The hashtag "We don't pay" (#ÖdemeYapmıyoruz) was seen in Twitter's trending topics both for Turkey and the world.
The movement defines itself as "the movement of millions of people who lost their jobs, were put on unpaid leave or have to work without measures against the pandemic.
It calls on people not to make their payments as it notes that payments of rents, bills, credit debts, student loans and dorm fees have not been postponed by the government. "Who will pay the price for coronavirus? We don't!" it says.
Releasing several videos and followed by thousands of people, the movement says, "We are independent of the capital, parties, unions, civil society organizations. We express the truth of millions of laborers."
Koronavirüs’ün bedelini kim ödeyecek? Biz ödemiyoruz! pic.twitter.com/yzXntDtKNn
— Ödemiyoruz Hareketi (@odemiyoruzbiz) March 30, 2020