Who is the Biggest Traitor?
They have revealed, after 40 years, what they plotted in Cyprus to prevent the island from becoming a second Cuba under the governance of communists.
Salih Oztoprak, in his book called "The Destruction of a Republic," told all about those plans. (Well done)
That is the shamelessness of the English. They can openly say, "I, the English, did this to you 40 years ago. The fact that I acted like an impostor then, has no importance any longer. Here, read it and learn about the facts. What difference would it make if you learned about them anyway."
This is what that means.
The Americans are more secretive about such information. They would not talk about the tricks they have played on us until at least 50 years have passed.
As colonialism approached to an end all over in the world, the English, who could sense they would have to leave the island, lay out the education curriculum in such a way to incite fascism-chauvinism and to make the youth of the two communities become hostile towards each other.
They set up EOKA
A contra-guerrilla organization called the Private War Bureau, hence the CIA, played a role in the establishment of TMT (underground Turkish resistance organization)
However, in the 50s, when people like Necati Ozkan, Dr. Fazil Kucuk, and Faiz Kaymak, were trying to call Turkey's attention on the issue, the deceased Inonu, who was the prime minister of the time, could say, "WE DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM ABOUT CYPRUS."
Till when?
Till the CIA wanted to organize the Turkish Cypriot community.
It has also been revealed that the CIA knew about and supported Turkey's Peace Operation in 1974.
Years later, when Bulent Ecevit became the prime minister of Turkey again, he revealed at a program he attended on a private television, that the contra-guerrilla organization, Private War Bureau, was directed by the CIA with the budget of the prime ministry; and that its members were composed of retired military companions and nationalists. Did Ecevit say something like:
"Because I was concerned about my life, I could not find the courage to complete the investigation when I was the prime minister." (We have to watch the tape again to find out what the exact and complete sentence was.) He must have been warned not to "stir things up."
The leader, who made us, the youth of the 50s, and the people, protest against colonialism, was Dr. Fazil Kucuk. I was one of the people who walked from Girne Kapisi to Sarayonu Dikilitas on January 27-28, 1958 in protest of the British administration and threw the tear gas bombs back to the English soldiers.
I still remember how a Jeep ran over and killed one of us in front of Mulla Hasan's coffee shop. And how about the street fights we did in Tahtakale?
Was father Denktas still BLINDLY STEERING FOR ENGLISH AMITY as we were fighting like this in the streets?
I don't remember the exact date when he was offered a job at the Turkish community parliament. But I clearly remember the rumors that he said, "If I quit the prosecutor's office and join the community parliament, will you be able to pay me as much as the English do?"
I will be very happy if those, who know about the truth, reveal it.
Was his joining the Freemason Lodge, still alive in that period? He had later tried to justify his joining in by saying, "I was young and I was deceived."
I don't know. I would be happy to hear it from him or someone else who knows
the truth.
The underground organization banned certain actions and behaviors. They severely punished those who did not comply with the rules, and even announced them traitors. There were people who even got executed.
Of course, there are ranks to treachery. Who would we pick as the first runner up in betrayal, if we followed father Denktas' footsteps? Denktas, who announces those who criticize him as traitors, ranks them, and sets them as targets for the Turkish army? Let's give examples:
-A lady, who cooked beans, was out of parsley and her violent husband would be home asking for dinner shortly. She had to buy the parsley from a Greek street peddler because she could not find any at the Turkish marketplace. She was severely beaten up for doing this. She was accused of denying the Turkish-to-Turkish campaign and being a traitor.
-They had beaten up Turkish people, who could not speak Turkish, from the Greek villages of Dillirga, and Luricina, because they had violated the ban on speaking Greek. They fined them and announced them traitors.
-A person, who bought goods from a Greek merchant for his store, without getting permission from authorities, was beaten up and sent to prison.
-In the mixed village of Yedikonak, where Turkish and Greek Cypriots lived together, Abdi, the assistant of the headman of the village, was killed with a hatchet as he was returning home from the coffee shop at night. His felony was being in close relations with the Greek assistant of the headman. He was accused with being a traitor and serving EOKA.
- Emin Dirvan, who was Turkey's Ambassador to Cyprus, along with young lawyers Ayhan Hikmet and Ahmet Muzaffer Gurkan, were shot and killed because they were advocating a Cyprus Republic. Their felony: TREACHERY.
-During the December 21-22, 1963 events, we, the Turkish Cypriots, women, men, children, all together, were fighting with everything we had, against the Greeks who attacked to destroy us. As young people were dying, and as our villages were turning into mass graves, did RAUF RAIF DENKTAS call KLERIDES, the Greek LEADER of EOKA and ask for his help by saying, "Brother, the fighting is at our door. Please do something to at least save my family"?
Many people say, "YES"
Did Klerides come to the Turkish neighborhood with an armored car and take the ravishing beauty Aydin, little Raif, lady Ender and little Serdar to the international airport? Was little Serdar there? Was their safety ensured till they were boarded on a plane and flown to Turkey?
If it is true,
Did you have so little trust in Turkish Cypriot soldiers and the Turkish people? So little trust that you handed your family over to the enemy commander? You took refuge with the enemy. You asked the enemy for help.
Our lives were NOT IMPORTANT.But yours was?
The person you trust is KLERIDES?, who does not hide he is a freemason?
Is it not true that you fled to Motherland right after this incident and grew fat for years?
How many years later did you return to Cyprus and supposedly by mistake landed on Karpaz instead of Iskele? Was it four years later? Or more?
Was it your brother KLERIDES, who came to pick you up from Karpaz when you returned?
Please answer these questions.
If these are true, then what you have done is:
Betraying the organization (TMT),
Betraying the society,
Betraying your country
If it isn't betraying, then what is it?
This is what you told Ali Nihat Ozeyranli, the commander of the Security Forces in TRNC, about us:
"It is time to say 'hosht' to them." (noise made to frighten away dogs)
"They are defaming our Motherland,"
"We know the traitors, I've ranked them."
You said these, and many other provocative things about us, the real patriots, to Ali N. Ozeyranli. And him, abiding by you, said:
"They will drown in their own blood." All, just because we criticize you.
My precious readers,
Please look at the examples I have provided for you, and do the ranking yourself:
Who is the first runner in betrayal?
Write your answer in capital letters.
- The woman who bought a bunch of parsley from a Greek street peddler?
- The Turkish Cypriot who did not know Turkish?
- The shopkeeper who bought goods from a Greek merchant?
- Abdi, from the village of Eptagomi, who talked and ate with the Greek assistant and headman, as part of his job?
- The lawyers who advocated a Cyprus Republic and fought against Anglo-American CIA plots?
- Or DENKTAS, who is still GOVERNING US?
* July 29, 1999, Avrupa Newspaper