Which President? 3 Definitions From 3 Parties

Presidential election was on the agenda of political parties' group meetings. The statements focused on how Turkey’s next president must be.
“The president will struggle with the resolution process [with Kurds] as well as the parallel structure,” PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said. “He must be as transparent as glass,” CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu said. "Peoples’ candidate is Selahattin Demirtaş,” People's Democratic Party (HDP) chairperson Figen Yüksekdağ said.
Erdoğan: Both resolution process and parallel structure
“We don't elect a flowerpot or a vase to put on state's window.
"The president will definitely administer the government, he will be the chief commander, he will ensure the harmony between government institutions. On the other hand, if it is necessary, he will be interested in the water problem of villages in Iğdır, Ağrı and Erzurum. He will also be interested with Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge. He will struggle with the resolution process [with Kurds] as well as the parallel structure.
When journalist asked “Can the president can be impartial?" Erdoğan said: “If I will be elected, I won’t be impartial”.
Kılıçdaroğlu: He must be transparent as glass
"The Presidency of the Republic position is not a chair to a political leader.
“The position of the president is supreme, it embraces 76 millions of people. Therefore, he has to have true erudite. He must represent all individuals in the society. He should protect the state and he must have the identity of a statesman.
“The position of the president isn't for politics. Presidents don't have responsibility, they have to be impartial.
“The president candidates must be transparent like a glass! How can you have this position without clearing dirty on your forehead.
“A liar can't be a prime minister. I swear, he cannot! He can't be a president candidate either. First, you abandon telling lies. Second rule is that if you're brave, you will compete with Ekmeleddin in equal conditions. You [referring to PM Erdoğan] don't leave your chair of thus it prevents the equality in elections."
Yüksekdağ: People's candidate is Demirtaş
"According to other candidates' economic opportunities, they are candidates of the supportive treasure and government.
“If you ask me who is the candidate of people, my single answer is Demirtaş.
"In the presidential elections, two lines show themselves. One of them supports the government's political line, status and simple reforms on politics. Second line take its power from people, their need of chancing and its struggle. HDP represent the second political line. HDP and Demirtaş are progressive options within weak people's struggle of freedom and changing.” (BK/GOA/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.