“Which Forensics Institute is Minister Ergin Talking About?”

Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin said that at least 128 sick inmates were awaiting a report from Forensics Institute. Responding an official inquiry from CHP Malatya Deputy Veli Ağbaba on the number of inmates who lost their lives in prison, Ergin said the institute processed application regarding sick inmates within 15 days. He also added that it gave “priority” to serious conditions. However, various sources said that there are sick inmates still awaiting for months for a release report.
Çetin's report came after his death
Gülay Çetin (47) died in July 2011 in prison in the southern province of Antalya. He was diagnosed with a Grade 4 cancer patient.
The month after his death, a forensics report saying that “he can’t stay in prison, he must be released immediately” arrived to the authorities. Süleyman Çetin, her advocate, told bianet how his client died as they were waiting for the forensics report: "It took two months for the report to be drafted and sent to the authorities. They took his right to bid farewell to his family. His last wish was to return to his home for at least once. It didn’t.”
Karagöz waited for 5 months
Özgür Karagöz, an inmate thriving with lung cancer, was transferred to Metris Prison in Istanbul from D Type Prison in Diyarbakır after he applied for his release.
It took 5 months for the Forensics Institute to issue a report. Previously, it ignored another medical from Marmara Medical School that Karagöz was “70 percent gravely sick and 86 percent disabled”. inmate and ruled that Karagöz “could stay in prison”.
On May 16, Karagöz was released from prison.
Diş receives “no report” report
On February 25, inmate Mete Diş (26) was diagnosed with testicular cancer at Kocaeli Medical School Hospital.
On March 5, he started hiss chemotherapy at Kartal Research Hospital. Accordingly on March 19, the court panel ordered the Forensics Institute to issue a report on Diş’s medical compatibility with prison conditions.
On May 13, the institute sent a letter, saying that the report was “not ready yet”.
Evrim Deniz Karatana, Diş’s advocate, previously said the medical examination only took “5 minutes”.
On May 24, the court released Mete Diş due to medical condition.
Minister: 128, İHD: 526
The minister also added that 128 were awaiting a report from Forensics Institute. According to a report released by Human Rights Association (İHD) Prisons Commission, there are at least 526 sick inmates with 154 in serious condition across Turkey’s prisons by September 10. The report also said that the real tolls might even outnumber their data.
What does “natural causes” mean?
Ergin announced that at least 260 inmates list their lives in prisons in 2012, with 224 from “natural causes”, 34 from suicide and remaining from other inmate assaults. However, Minister Ergin did not specify the natural causes. Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) previously released a statement, saying this category included inmates with grave illnesses. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.
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