'What is gender' exhibition in İstanbul

The second edition of the "What is Gender?" exhibition, which had its first edition in Switzerland, is taking place in Zülfaris Karaköy, Istanbul, from October 24 to November 7, 2023. It is curated by Gilles Grassioulet and Şanel Şan Sevinç, with coordination by Nilgün Sabar, and features the participation of Turkish artists.
Gilles Grassioulet, the curator of the exhibition, initially got the idea to explore the question of "What is Gender?" in an artistic way while visiting the "Queer - Diversity is in our nature" exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Bern, Switzerland, where they examined the diversity of gender in both animals and humans.
From Geneva to İstanbul
The first edition of the exhibition, held in April 2022 at the Centre des Arts - Ecole Internationale de Genève in Geneva, featured the participation of both local and international artists, including Turkish artist Nilgün Sabar.
The success of the first edition prompted the idea to bring the exhibition to Istanbul, a crossroads between the East and West.
Nilgün Sabar took on the role of Exhibition Coordinator for the Istanbul edition and collaborated with the Turkish artists. The exhibition features six Swiss and eight Turkish artists from various disciplines and perspectives.
The artists, through their artistic expressions, concepts, aesthetics, experienced forms, colors, materials, abstraction, and visionary realism, lead us to sensory realms where art reconnects us to our own existence and nature.
In its Istanbul version, the exhibition reflects the diversity of Turkey, a land that has harbored cultural diversity for centuries as the birthplace of civilizations, and involves a divergent selection of artists.
Online exhibition and future locations
The exhibition will also be available online at @artcrowdistanbulgallery for global audiences, allowing viewers to experience the art 24/7.
Nilgün Sabar mentioned that this evolution from one edition to another has sparked further imagination, and efforts are underway to organize similar exhibitions in various cities around the world, including Lille, Chicago, London, Dakar, and Havana.
The project continues to grow, thanks to the support of art enthusiasts and the contributions of a dedicated team of volunteers.
Brief Information:
- Date: October 24 to November 7, 2023
- Location: Zülfaris Karaköy, Istanbul
- Opening Night: October 24
- 16:00-18:00: Press
- 18:00-20:00: Public Opening
Curated by Şanel Şan Sevinç and Gilles Grassioulet
Artists: Burcu Aksoy, Amina Belkasmi, Christine Berchadsky, Banu Birecikligil, Cecilia Campeas, Gilles Dusabe, Alix Martin, Ali İbrahim Öcal, Chiara de Rocchi, Nilgün Sabar, Yonca Saraçoğlu, Adrien Savigny, Gülay Semercioğlu, Emre Yıldır
Performance and event artists: Throughout the exhibition, various artists and designers from different disciplines will organize a variety of performances and workshops, including a performance by cellist Taylan Aygar on the opening night. The documentary for the exhibition is directed by Ferize Çetin. (EMK/PE)