What Happened in Afrin: Photos Tell

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It has been claimed with the photos shared by Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) on Twitter that Afrin operation hasn’t led to any destruction. Two aerial photographs of Afrin were posted while the massive destruction in Mosul, Aleppo, Raqqa and East Ghouta was stressed with these cities’ “post-operation” photos.
“Civilian/innocent people, environment, historical, religious and cultural buildings are all inviolable for Turkish Armed Forces”, reads under the photos on the tweet.
Meanwhile, Rudaw also released photos of Afrin while the TAF shared those photos. AFP’s photos reveal that a massive destruction has occurred and buildings have turned into ruins, resulting from the military operation launched by the TAF in cooperation with Free Syrian Army (FSA). (ŞA/TK)
Photo of Afrin shared by TAF
Photos of Afrin shared by Rudaw