What does Erdoğan want from Sweden and Finland for approval of their NATO membership?

Photo: Washington Insider
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According to the information leaked by news sources close to Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Presidency is preparing a "manifesto" covering the conditions it expects from Sweden and Finland to lift Ankara's veto on the NATO membership of the two countries.
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However, there are various uncertainties regarding the content of the manifesto on both legal bases and international legislation. The demands included in the manifesto also might create some problems regarding the domestic law of the countries in question.
For instance, there are items such as:
"Cut off the financial support you provide for terrorist organization The People's Defense Units (YPG)", "Do not let the disinformation activities of Fethullahist Terrorist Organisation (FETÖ) fugitives who has been issued a search warrant from Turkey ", "Do not let Zübeyir Aydar to speak at the parliament", "Prevent activities and fundraising attemptsagainst Turkey by organizations that conduct them under the name of NGOs."
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However, many of these demands do not fit in either the European Convention on Human Rights(ECHR) or the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) jurisprudence.
If the leaked "manifesto" becomes true, not only Sweden and Finland but also existing members of NATO will have to depart from ECHR standards in their domestic legislation.
Here are the 10 items of the "manifesto" in question, according to Sabah newspaper:
-PKK and its affiliates are terrorist organizations. You should clarify your stance on this.
-Activities including the acceptance in your parliaments of the so-called executive staff of the terrorist organization should be stopped. It is unacceptable for terrorists such as Zübeyir Aydar, the so-called European leader of the terrorist organization Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK), to hold a conference in your parliament.
- In particular, the financial support you provide for the terrorist organization YPG should be cut off. Other terrorist organizations should not be legitimized under the guise of fighting against ISIS.
-Relations with the PKK's executive staff in the Iraq-Syria region should be stopped.
- Do not let the disinformation activities of FETO fugitives who has been issued a search warrant from Turkey
-The extradition process of the members of the organization, who operate on behalf of the PKK/YPG/KCK, and are wanted with a red notice should be faster.
-While rightfully seeking guarantees for the security of your own country, stop supporting all kinds of activities against Turkey's security. This is incompatible with being allies.
-The mutual initiative should be taken to establish a mechanism with Turkey in the fight against terrorism.
-Cut off the money traffic of organizations in your country which are affiliated with the terrorist organizations, and block their bank accounts.
-Prevent activities and fundraising attempts against Turkey by organizations that conduct them under the name of NGOs.(AEK/TB)