What do polls say about CHP’s İnce reportedly planning to found a new party?

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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The Sonar Research company has shared the findings of its trimonthly report on "Political Tendencies and Agenda in Turkey Research."
As part of this research, 2,850 randomly chosen people from the provinces of İstanbul, Tekirdağ, Balıkesir, İzmir, Aydın, Manisa, Bursa, Kocaeli, Ankara, Konya, Antalya, Adana, Hatay, Kırıkkale, Kayseri, Zonguldak, Kastamonu, Samsun, Trabzon, Erzurum, Ağrı, Malatya, Van, Antep, Urfa and Mardin answered question on their views about Turkey's political agenda.
Among the questions asked to the participants of the survey as part of this research was also a question on Republican People's Party's (CHP) Muharrem İnce. Having received 30.6 percent of the votes as a Presidential candidate from the main opposition party in elections on June 24, 2018, Muharrem İnce is allegedly poised to found a new political party.
Within this context, the company asked the participants, "If Muharrem İnce founds a party, will you vote for him?" While 15.8 percent of the participants have answered this question in the affirmative, 72.3 percent have said that they will not vote for Muharrem İnce in such a case.
Other details from the report are as follows:
Do you think that the government is successful or unsuccessful in managing the coronavirus outbreak?
Successful: 60.2 percent
Not successful: 26.8 percent
Neither successful nor unsuccessful: 10.1 percent
I have no idea / answer: 2.9 percent
What do you think about the government's performance in terms of Turkey's foreign policy (Syria, Libya and other issues)? Do you think that the government is successful in foreign policy or not?
Successful: 52.8 percent
Unsuccessful: 33.5 percent
Partly successful: 8.6 percent
I have no idea / answer: 5.1 percent
What do you think about the performance of opposition parties in our country? Do you find them successful or unsuccessful?
Unsuccessful: 62 percent
Successful: 19 percent
Partly successful: 13 percent
I have no idea / answer: 6 percent
If there were general elections (Parliamentary elections) this Sunday, what party would you vote for?
When swing voters are not distributed:
Justice and Development Party (AKP): 31.5 percent
Republican People's Party (CHP): 21.5 percent
Nationalist Movement Party (MHP): 8.9 percent
İYİ Party: 8.2 percent
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP): 6.6 percent
Other: 2.4 percent
Swing voters: 14.1 percent
I have no idea / answer: 6.8 percent
When swing voters are distributed:
AKP: 39.8 percent
CHP: 27.2 percent
MHP: 11.3 percent
İYİ Party: 10.4 percent
HDP: 8.3 percent
Other: 3 percent
If there were Presidential elections this Sunday, for whom would you vote? (Open ended questions were asked without giving names)
President and AKP Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: 41.5 percent
İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu: 9.1 percent
İYİ Party Chair Meral Akşener: 7.2 percent
Muharrem İnce: 6.8 percent
Imprisoned former HDP Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş: 6.4 percent
Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavaş: 6.3 percent
Other: 4.8 percent
Swing voters: 5.1 percent
I have no idea / answer: 12.8 percent
Would you vote for Muharrem İnce if he founded a party?
No: 72.3 percent
Yes: 15.8 percent
Swing voters: 7.8 percent
I have no idea / answer: 4.1 percent
Of 15.8 percent, votes would come to İnce from the following parties:
CHP: 7.6 percent
AKP: 1.6 percent
İYİ Party: 1.5 percent
MHP: 0.7 percent
HDP: 0.6 percent
Other: 3.8 percent