Well-Known Steps in the Roma People Package

We were in the northwestern province of Edirne to attend the “Thrace Region Gathering” where the government was to announce its proposals to resolve Roma people’s issues in Turkey.
Launching the “Roma Opening” three years ago, PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had said: "If there is someone to apologize to, that is my Roma citizens. And I apologize to them on behalf of [Turkish] State.''
Ever since, no serious progress has been attained in the employment situation of the Roma, who suffered specifically from urban renewal projects.
Just in the recent months, there had been two lynch attempts in Bursa against Roma people; in one school, Roma students were made to sit at the back rows of the classroom; and the Bursa Governor’s Office defined them as a community that "steals and picks-pocket".
Against this background, the Roma Opening has been recooked in the democratization package, where Erdoğan announced that they would establish a Roma Language and Culture Institute and that TOKİ (Public Housing Agency) would construct homes for the Roma.
Şerafettin greets the delegation
In today’s gathering - promoted as ‘where the Roma Package would be announced’ - held at Mimar Sinan Sports Hall, the audience was greeted by a Mehter Band (Ottoman Music Band) while the ministers were by a percussion group comprising of students.
Şerafettin, a drummer himself and the leader of the band that greeted the delegation with a jolly music, could not enroll in the art high school this year due to financial reasons. He will pursue his music [career] playing at weddings. His father said: “These kids do not even have the money to buy musical instruments, how could they go to school? They should be supported for an education at the conservatoire.”
Having a concert performance during the gathering, [musician] Hüsnü Şenlendirici, too, urged “conservatoires and music schools be opened in the cities with Roma population."
Turkish flags were handed out to the Roma arriving in Edirne from various cities such as Çanakkale, Tekirdağ and Kırklareli, and often announcements were made from the stage to brandish them.
"Now we are allowed in coffee houses"
We first heard the demands of the halls.
Thanks to the Opening, it is a reason for contentment that the Roma have become more visible with the AKP government: “At least now we are allowed in the kahves [coffee shop in Turkish]. Our name is being cited at the Parliament.”
However they complain that the Opening has not translated into tangible outcomes in the realms of accommodation and employment. On top, the fact that they have become visible has not reduced discrimination against them.
"If you do not allow other to touch a Roma child..."
A man from Lüleburgaz explained it [the phrase] as follows:
“When your kid spoils his dress, if you tell him that 'he looks like a gypsy'; and at the school, while the kids are lining up, if you do not let the other kids touch the Roma child, this discrimination would last in the same way for generations.”
For instance, he complains that after having majored in Public Administration, his daughter could only become a secretary, thanks to the support of some friends. While a man from Şarköy said: "They do not trust us. We are tired of this and we want to get rid of it. They should trust us so that we can trust ourselves," another woman explained the discrimination by adding: "Our kids dress like they do in these modern times. But that does not work."
Courses exist but no jobs
Someone said that, together with his wife, they attended various vocational courses held at Community Centeres and were entitled to relevant certificates yet added that those certificates did not serve them at all since there were no jobs. This widespread condition is called as “certified Roma” in reference to the [well-known saying] “unemployed on diploma”.
The unemployment problem is embodied in the common phrase: "youth roams idly". There are many who claim that they were refused by factories for they were Roma. A youth said: "I approached İŞKUR (State Employment Agency), the AKP, what else should I do?"
"They do not recruit us to work at a bakery, fearing people would not buy from them nor at the kahve so people would not have tea there. We won’t be able to find a job unless this mentality changes."
TOKİ installments impossible with no work
Those who came from İğneada complained that authorities were trying to throw them out from their land which belongs to the Treasury and which does not have any title deed.
Other women of Karaağaç origin noted that their only means of subsistence was domestic cleaning however due to the obligation of "insurance" they were losing this opportunity too.
With respect to the TOKİ solution to the problem of accommodation, everybody agrees that house loans could not be paid without proper employment, by earning 10 TL per day.
These demands were also reiterated by the representatives of the three Roma associations who were present at the hall. Figen Kelemer Proje Coordinator of Edirne Roma Association (EDROM), was the only woman among tens of heads of associations that participated the gathering.
In her speech, she underlined the importance of Erdoğan's apology which came in 2010, due to the discrimination the Roma people suffered and she raised clear demands.
"The Law on hate crimes against the Roma People, education, accommodation and employment should be taken up together, teachers should be provided awareness training, urban transformation should be held on the spot, child marriages and child labour should be prevented, extra- curricular study centers should be opened at each Roma neighborhood, mobile education should be provided for the children of migrant/nomad workers."
"Penalty for those who do not employ Roma people"
Minister of Health Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, stated that mentor midwife system would be introduced for the Roma women during their pregnancy period, which was among their demands.
Minister of Family and Social Policies Fatma Şahin, underlined the problem of child brides and emphasized the legal power of civil marriage.
Roma Institute in Edirne
Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ noted that so far 13 thousand 816 TOKİ flats were delivered to Roma people in 20 provinces and that this figure would rise to 78 thousand.
"In cases where a person is not employed on grounds that he is a Roma, that workplace will be penalized from 1 year up to 3 years. In case of any discrimination on the basis of lifestyles, it will be penalized from 1 year up to 3 years. Hate crimes have been included in law, aggravated penalties will be imposed against racism. Roma Language and Culture Institute will be established in Edirne."
Other than the figures concerning TOKİ and penalties against discrimination in employment, the opening of the Institute was already expected, other provisions within the scope of hate crimes were not widely known. The Roma people had greater expectations because they were told that "a package would be announced". It is hard to say that their expectations were satisfied.
Horsekeeping on the 5th floor
Figen Kelemer from EDROM noted that the government repeated what it has been promising since 2010 however that now they wanted to see more tangible steps.
From among the Roma people a small group which are in a relatively better economic situation are in favor of TOKİ however the remaining groups had major difficulties in TOKİ apartments.
“They move in however they do not register to electricity and water network therefore they live in candle light. We have even seen families keeping horses on the 5th floor because they are only means of subsistence is horse rising and scrap collection. Unless you build barns for these flats these people would not be able to find any place to keep their animals. Those who are musicians are unable to rehearse in apartments. In other words, when the living conditions of these people are not taken into consideration, moving into TOKİ flats leads to problems for them. Moreover they are unable to pay their debts due to lack of employment opportunities."
Music prevailed like in all Roma gatherings. Balık Aynan, Hüsnü Şenlendirici and a few more groups took the stage. There were occasional slogans chanted "Father Tayyip" and the enthusiasm rose with the music yet there was not strong applause for the statements delivered by the ministers. The phrase "If you are not employed because you are a Roma, then they will be penalized from 1 year to 3 years." has received the strongest applause.
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.
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