Weekly COVID-19 cases in Turkey by provinces: Increase in İstanbul

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Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca has shared the map of COVID-19 cases per 100 thousand people by provinces in the week of December 18-24, 2021. According to the map, the number of cases fell in 65 provinces, increased in 15 provinces and remained unchanged in one.
The highest number of cases per 100 thousand people was in Kırklareli province with 468.85, which was followed by Çanakkale with 462.01 cases and by Eskişehir with 427.42 cases. The other provinces with their number of weekly cases over 300 per 100 thousand people were Tekirdağ (333), Edirne (329.11), Ordu (312,98) and İstanbul (303.51).
3 metropolitan cities
When compared with the number of COVID-19 cases per 100 thousand people in the week of December 11-17, 2021, the number of cases increased by 59.36 in İstanbul and became 303.51 in the week after. While the number of cases per 100 thousand dropped by 14.28 in Ankara and became 129.82, it increased by 0.57 in İzmir and became 68.54.
Cases between 200-300 in 13 provinces
According to the map, the number of COVID-19 cases per 100 thousand people ranged from 200 to 300 in 13 provinces: Bilecik (286.67), Giresun (247.15), Kocaeli (245.94), Balıkesir (245.27), Trabzon (237.1), Rize (232.32), Artvin (225.37), Denizli (224.8), Mersin (221.81), Yalova (215.18), Osmaniye (214.38), Bolu (202.03), Samsun (200.95).
The number of cases was below 100 in 41 provinces:
Çankırı (85.75), Erzincan (83.18), Kırşehir (82.29), Nevşehir (72.8), Niğde (69.05), İzmir (68.54), Antalya (66.83), Tunceli (65.91), Kırıkkale (62.07), Aydın (59.42), Muğla (58.85), Afyonkarahisar (56.86), Karaman (55.7), Sivas (50.17), Yozgat (48.68), Konya (47.82), Kayseri (41.58), Aksaray (41.37), Bingöl (36.55), Kahramanmaraş (34.16), Elazığ (33), Kilis (31.51), Iğdır (30.8), Ardahan (29.12), Bayburt (21.98), Siirt (20.84), Diyarbakır (18.5), Gaziantep (17.13), Adıyaman (16.92), Erzurum (14.51), Şanlıurfa (12.01), Batman (11.12), Malatya (10.92), Kars (8.77), Mardin (7.84), Şırnak (6.69), Ağrı (6.16), Bitlis (5.41), Muş (5.35), Hakkari (3.92), Van (2.09).
Number of cases dropped in 65 provinces
According to weekly data, the number of cases per 100 thousand people dropped in 65 provinces of Turkey. The highest drop was observed in the provinces of Sinop, Adana, Trabzon, Tunceli and Osmaniye. With 6.69, the number of cases remained unchanged in Şırnak.
The amount of decrease in provinces was as follows: Sinop (97.01), Adana (93.51), Trabzon (89.05), Tunceli (88.69), Osmaniye (79.66), Hatay (78.94), Ordu (73.28), Tokat (61.72), Mersin (54.26), Zonguldak (52.95), Bolu (50.51), Samsun (48.96), Kastamonu (47.83), Çorum (47.35), Bilecik (45.27), Karabük (42.28), Düzce (41.45), Nevşehir (40), Kırşehir (35.39), Giresun (31.42), Kahramanmaraş (27.39), Burdur (25.46), Bartın (24.63), Amasya (22.36), Rize (21.78), Yozgat (20.99), Bursa (20.44), Çankırı (19.22), Tekirdağ (18.32), Manisa (17.86), Niğde (17.67), Erzincan (17.06), Kırıkkale (16.87), Kilis (16.81), Artvin (16.52), Yalova (15.94), Iğdır (14.90), Ankara (14.28), Balıkesir (12.65), Adıyaman (12.33), Kayseri (11.46), Ardahan (11.44), Konya (11.20), Kars (10.88), Kocaeli (10.66), Isparta (10.44), Aksaray (9.93), Gaziantep (9), Erzurum (8.96), Sakarya (8.53), Karaman (7.85), Elazığ (6.97), Afyonkarahisar (6.24), Kütahya (6.07), Malatya (5.21), Sivas (3.61), Bitlis (3.14), Diyarbakır (2.86), Mardin (2.34), Şanlıurfa (1.75), Batman (1.62), Ağrı (1.31), Uşak (0.81), Muş (0.73), Van (0.35).