‘We, Women, Ask You: What Happened to Nadira Kadirova?’

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We Want to Live (Yaşamak İstiyoruz) Initiative has released a written statement about the suspicious death of Nadira Kadirova.
Addressing the recent developments in her file, the Initiative has said, "This case cannot be covered up. Did Nadira commit suicide? Or was she killed? What happened to Nadira Kadirova?"
23-year-old Kadirova from Uzbekistan was found dead on September 23, 2019 in the house of Şirin Ünal, an MP from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). She was claimed to shot herself dead with Ünal's weapon. The prosecutor's office also concluded that there was a lack of grounds for legal action and closed her investigation file on March 5.
CLICK - Investigation into Suspicious Death of Kadirova Closed
Examining the file of Nadira Kadirova, Prof. Dr. İlyas Doğan, the attorney of the family, indicated that "there was a finding of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), which only men have, in the uterus of the deceased."
'We want answers to our questions'
In response to these latest developments and findings, the Initiative has said "This case cannot be covered up" and asked, "Did Nadira commit suicide? Or was she killed?". The Initiative has briefly stated the following:
"We, women, are asking you:
"Did Nadira commit suicide? Or was she killed?
"Even if Nadira had committed suicide, what drove her to take her life?
"It is alleged that Şirin Ünal sexually assaulted Nadira. Is this allegation true?
"Why was the body of Nadira hurriedly sent to her country?
"What happened to Nadira?
"We want an answer to all of these questions. Coronavirus, which closely concerns public health, can be a burning issue on the agenda, but women's suspicious deaths continue. We will not give up following any of this.
"We will keep on asking, 'What happened to Nadira?', 'What happened to Yeldana?', 'Where is Gülistan?'. Deriving our strength from women's solidarity, we will struggle to ensure that not male justice, but real justice will be served, just as we did in Şule Çet murder case."
What happened?
23-year-old Nadira Kadirova from Uzbekistan was a domestic worker caring for the ill wife of Şirin Ünal, an İstanbul MP for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).
Kadirova was found dead in Ünal's house on September 23, 2019.
It was alleged that she committed suicide with Ünal's weapon. The post-mortem procedures of Kadirova were followed by Ünal's chauffeur and the procedures that usually take longer were completed in a few days. After this swift post-mortem examination, the deceased body of Kadirova was sent to her home country and laid to rest there.
The death of Kadirova was found suspicious. While women kept asking "What happened to Nadira?" on social media, the MPs of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and Felicity Party (SP) brought the issue to the Parliamentary agenda.
In March 2020, the prosecutor's office gave a decision of non-prosecution.