‘We will follow up the damages inflicted on Boğaziçi University’

* Image: Can Candan
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Since Melih Bulu was appointed as a rector to Boğaziçi University by President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on January 2, 2021, both the academics and students of the university have been protesting this appointment.
While the academics normally turn their backs to the Rector's Office at the South Campus in protest, they are now keeping their watch online due to the 'full lockdown' that will remain in effect till May 17.
Continuing at the South Campus for 18 weeks, the watch held online by the academics today (May 7) has marked the 89th one so far.
Reading out their joint statement, the academics have reiterated their call for the resignation of all appointed executives, namely Melih Bulu, Gürkan Kumbaroğlu, Naci İnci and Fazıl Önder Sönmez as well as Selami Kuran, who was appointed as the dean of the Faculty of Law, which was itself founded by a Presidential decision one night, and Muzaffer Eroğlu.
The academics' statement has briefly read as follows:
'It is also a damage inflicted on public'
"Today is May 7, Friday.
"We are on the 124th day of our resistance and 89th day of our watch. Due to the outbreak measures, we kept our watch online this week.
"Last week, during our watch at the South Campus on April 29, we - for the first time - publicized the damages inflicted on our institution since the decision of rector appointment was taken.
"The damage inflicted on Boğaziçi University and each and every violated principle of our university means a damage inflicted on the public.
"For this reason, with our social media campaign called 'Boğaziçi Damage Report', we aimed to convey these damages to wider audiences.
"While continuing our academic works, we will not refrain from following up the damages inflicted on our institutions, we will not refrain from trying to fix the damages inflicted and defending our principles.
"We will have a break from our watch during the spring break at our university. When the pandemic restrictions come to an end, we will once again address you from the South Campus.
"We reiterate that the directors and coordinators of all units, faculties and institutes at universities must come to office after being elected.
"We, once again, demand the resignation of appointed Melih Bulu, Gürkan Kumbaroğlu, Naci İnci, Fazıl Önder Sönmez; that of Selami Kuran, who was appointed to the Faculty of Law, which was established one night; and that of Muzaffer Eroğlu. We don't accept. We don't give up."