‘We were all there,’ say Boğaziçi University students

* Photo: Boğaziçi Solidarity
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Since President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appointed Prof. Melih Bulu as a rector to Boğaziçi University, both the students and faculty of the university have been protesting this appointment for over two months now.
In today's protests (March 3), the students of Boğaziçi have expressed their support for their friends who are now investigated for putting a "Trustee's Office" sign on the Rector's Office at the South Campus.
In solidarity with their friends facing an investigation upon the complaint of the university's security guards, the students have prepared petitions urging Melih Bulu to launch an investigation against themselves, too.
Addressed to the "Trustee's Office of Boğaziçi University", the students' petitions briefly read as follows:
'None of the investigations is legitimate'
"We have heard that upon the order of the trustee, investigations are launched against our friends using their right to protest during the protests against trustee Melih Bulu. On February 2, 2021, our 51 friends were taken into custody with torture by the police who entered the South Campus with the permission of truste Melih Bulu.
"As if our friends had not been unlawfully taken into custody and worn out, our friends are now subjected to unlawful investigations because they call the responsible parties to account for the detentions.
"In addition to this, upon the aspersions of the trustee-rector and profiling of the Private Security Unit (ÖGB), investigations have been launched against our several friends who bring food to the campus, do broadcasts at the campus and use their right to protest.
"None of the investigations launched into the protests against the trustee appointment is legitimate; protesting is not a crime.
"I declare that I was physically or mentally there and I do not accept the investigations launched against our friends.
"I do not recognize the ones who use force in the face of our right to express our rightful demands, stage a mass protest and call the responsible parties to account; if an investigation is to be launched, I demand that an investigation be launched against me as well."
Students to Bulu: Investigate us, too
Gathering in front of the Rector's Office at the South Campus in İstanbul today, the students of Boğaziçi University also carried banners that read, "We were all there." Addressing Melih Bulu, the appointed rector of the university, the students also chanted the slogans, "Wave, wave, wave for the camera; open, open, open an investigation."
Sharing a video on Boğaziçi Solidarity platform's Twitter account, students have said, "We stand with our 51 friends investigated by the trustee's office. We say, 'We were all there' and submit a petition together."
Kayyumluk tarafından soruşturma açılan 51 arkadaşımızın yanındayız. "Hepimiz Oradaydık!" diyor ve hep birlikte dilekçe veriyoruz. #BundanSonrasıHepimizde
— Boğaziçi Dayanışması #9 (@boundayanisma) March 3, 2021
Academics and students are together
The academics of the university have also been protesting the appointed rector by turning backs to the Rector's Office. During today's protest, students expressed their support for the academics.
In the second month of protests, the academics and students demand the resignation of Melih Bulu as well as that of Naci İnci, who has accepted all positions he has been offered in this process.
Hocalarımızın haftalardır sürdürdüğü eyleme bugün biz de katıldık ve kayyumluğa sırtımızı döndük. Kayyumlar gidecek, biz kalacağız! #BundanSonrasıHepimizde
— Boğaziçi Dayanışması #9 (@boundayanisma) March 3, 2021