"We Want a Liberal, Democratic and Participatory Constitution"

The Platform for a Liberal Constitution called for a "Liberal, Democratic and Participatory Constitution". A group of 211 people comprised by representatives of non-governmental organizations, trade unions, chambers, academics and artists voiced their demands to lift the election threshold and implement political reforms for a liberal, democratic and participatory Constitution.
The campaign was signed by renowned public figures such as Prof. Turgut Tarhanlı, writer Ayşegül Devecioğlu, Milliyet newspaper writer Nuray Mert, former Head of the Association for Support and Education for Women Candidates (KA.DER) Hülya Gülbahar, Assoc. Prof. Ayşen Candaş, Prof. Ayşe Buğra, Prof. Yaseming İnceoğlu, Prof. Ayşe Erzan, Porf. Burhan Şenatalar, Prof. Ayşe Öncü, Prof. Şahika Yüksel, Prof. Sibel İnceoğlu, Prof. Binnaz Toprak, Osman Kavala and Tayfun Mater from the Global Peace and Justice Coalition (Küresel-BAK). The removal of the ten percent election threshold is just one of their requests.
"Restrictions of freedoms still existent"
The initiative announced that the preparation of a new constitution 30 years after the military coup on 12 September 1980 was raising hopes. However, restrictions and bans regarding political participation were still existent, it was said. It was emphasized that members of the society would not be able to liberally participate in the preparation process of a new constitution without lifting these obstacles beforehand.
Removal of election threshold first condition
The platform claimed that the ratio of representation in the parliament should be more inclusive since the parliament is the place where the new constitution will be presented and approved. The platform underlined that only such a representation power would provide the possibility to ensure a comprehensive negotiation, social reconciliation and peace.
The most striking remain of the "12 September" Constitution was the ten percent election threshold, according to the platform that assessed the threshold as an implementation not to be found in any other democracy. The removal of the election threshold is the first essential on the way to prepare a civil and democratic constitution, it was stated.
"1982 Constitution a partisan of state control"
In their announcement, the platform pointed out that the 1982 Constitution rendered more power to the government than to any other executive organs:
"This situation weakens the necessary balance between state organs in a democracy and the influence of auditing mechanisms. At the same time, the principle of the rule of law remains hollow. In Turkey today, the executive and the government are disproportionally more powerful together with the extensive duties and authority of the President by means of a constitution that still protects this influence. This extraordinary power was further solidified by the military tutelage of the National Security Council for instance. (...)"
NGO's have their say
The platform declared that the active participation of non-governmental organizations was inevitable for a new constitution that would be truly civil, democratic, and legitimate. The representatives of the NGOs should be entitled to an equal right to speak in the commission meetings, the platform stressed.
"We all want to live in a society where people with different identities, beliefs/disbeliefs, opinions and ways of life can equally participate" the platform said and emphasized their aspiration for a country where everybody can lead a free life without pressure from sections within and outside the state and without deprivation of tolerance. (EKN/VK)