We Dont Want to Write War Stories!
As U.S. warplanes were killing people in Basra, more than 10,000 people in Istanbul chanted, "No to War".
About 140 non-governmental organizations, unions, and political parties prepared for days, and came together for an anti-war demonstration on December 1. The protest became the largest collective demonstration against a possible U.S.-led war in Iraq.
The demonstrations began at 11:00 a.m. in the Caglayan Square of the Istanbul district of Sisli, and ended peacefully at 3:00 p.m.
Each group carried different flags and corteges during the protest. But the banners had a common theme: "No to war in Iraq."
"No to war," chanted the crowd frequently. Most banners read, "Don't fight on behalf of me", "Peace now", "We will not become soldiers of America", "War is hazardous for health", "War is not a computer game", and "Don't kill children, let them eat candies too".
We don't want to film a war documentary
Contemporary Journalists' Association held banners that read, "We don't want to write war stories", "We don't want to film a war documentary," read a banner by Documentary-Makers Association. The Art Works demonstrated their feelings against the war by holding banners that read, "Art against War".
As it happens in every demonstration, different groups emphasized and drew attention to their own problems and ideologies too. "Capitalism kills both in war and in peace," read a banner by anarchists.
Prisoners' families solidarity groups held banners that read, "No to insulation, end F-type prison system." Women dressed in purple had banners that read, "No to rape," homosexuals held banners that read, "We are not rotten, we are gay, we will not join the army," and a Muslim group held banners that read, "Jerusalem is the land of Islam."
Right-wing parties aloof
Trade unions, left-wing parties, anarchists, conscientious objectors, and non-governmental organizations all participated in the protest. The anti-war demonstration was no different from the May Day demonstrations in the way that only the left wing groups were present.
In the protest, which had been advertised for days, only the Association for Free Thought and Education (Ozgur-Der) and the Association for Human Rights and Solidarity for Oppressed Peoples (Mazlum-Der) were present except the leftists.
There was not a single representative at the anti-war demonstration from the True Path Party (DYP), Felicity Party (SP), Justice and Development Party (AKP), Motherland Party (ANAP), Democratic Left Party (DSP), Youth Party (GP), or the Nationalist Action Party (MHP).(HA/EA/NM)