'We defend Palestine against genocide and free thought against censorship'

French publisher Fayard withdrew the book "Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine" by Israeli historian Prof. Ilan Pappe from saleon November 7, 2023. The book focuses on the establishment of Israel in 1948 and the massacres against Palestinians.
The suspension of the book's sale was announced by the literary magazine Actualitte yesterday (December 13).
The publisher of the book in Turkey, İntifada Publishing House, issued a statement today regarding the matter, stating, "It is difficult to consider this decision a coincidence."
The publisher's statement on the matter is as follows:
"It is difficult to consider this decision, which effectively means the ban of Pappe's book a coincidence in the days when academics, who discuss the Aksa Tempest operation on October 7 in its dimensions not mentioned on mainstream channels, who question the official narrative of the history and nature of the state of Israel, or advocate for a ceasefire in Gaza just to stop the deaths, are being expelled from universities.
"Especially when you consider that Vincent Bolloré, the extreme right-wing billionaire who owns Hachette, the publishing group that Fayard is affiliated with, recently bought Hachette and owns TV channels and periodicals where the Israeli bombardment of Gaza is referred to as a 'culture war.'
"While ethnic cleansing in Palestine continues with a new attack causing tens of thousands of deaths, scientific research, freedom of thought, and freedom of expression are being destroyed in countries where bombs do not fall, all for the immunity of the aggressor.
"Defending Palestine against genocide and defending free thought against censorship is our editorial policy."
Fayard, in its statement to Actualitte, mentioned that the book contract with the author expired on February 27, 2022, and that they decided to remove the book from circulation in November 2023 for this reason. However, the suspension of the book's sale occurred 22 months after the end of the contract with the author.(TY/PE)