Ways to Prevent Partner Rape
Professor Sahika Yuksel, head of the Psychiatry department of the Capa Medical Faculty of Istanbul University, spoke at the "Treatments for Sufferers of Sexual Traumas" session at the "Fifth National Congress on Sexuality and Sexual Treatments" subtitled as "Sexuality in its Different Aspects." Yuksel reminded the fact that partner rape was not regarded as a crime.
During the session on sexual abuse of children, experts, based on case studies, discussed how children react after being sexually abused and how experts can bring this into light.
Yuksel said women, who have been subject to domestic sexual violence, apply to clinics for different reasons. She added that partner rape or abuse hurts self-confidence, marriage and sex life.
Partner rape: A serious issue
Following are the main points of Yuksel's speech:
* Partner rape is not regarded as a crime in many countries. It is seen as a problem between husband and wife. And when this problem occasionally comes up in the courts, it is said, "evidence has been destroyed."
* Women cannot object to this type of violence because the social requirements of marriage and the use of physical force.
* One in every ten to seven women are raped by their husbands. The victims go through serious trauma, feelings of fury and guilt, and sexual problems. Partner rape may lead to fears, just like other rapes, and even lead to committing suicide.
* Those who go through partner violence , apply to the clinic mostly with psychiatric symptoms instead of violence-related ones. They do not ask for help for reasons like loyalty to their husbands, family confidentiality and not wanting to call the sexual experience as "rape." Most women talk about their experience when asked about partner rape. But a very low number of health officials ask questions about the issue.
* Partner rape creates an instable atmosphere within the family and causes the children to lack self-confidence.
* Recognizing partner rape and treatments should be included in the topic of domestic violence. Health workers, trainers and psychologists should know the issue well. The partner rape should be taken as seriously as any other rape. And women should cease to depend on men economically. (OG/BB/EA/YE)