Wave of International Concern Continues

The European Turkish Journalists Association (ATGB), the German Journalists Union (DJU) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) expressed concern about press freedom in Turkey.
The joint statement of the three organizations pointed to the recent seizure of an unpublished book by journalist and writer Ahmet Şık who was arrested in the context of the Ergenekon investigation three weeks ago. The statement also touched upon the situation of journalists in Turkey, saying that they are imprisoned or facing prison threats.
The organizations support the struggle for press freedom pursued by the Turkish Platform 'Freedom for Journalists' (GÖP). They called for the release of all journalists in prison and for the amendment of laws that are restrictive to press freedom.
"Turkey is not a country with highly advanced press freedom as claimed by the government. To the contrary, it is a country were press freedom is under threat", the statement read.
Jouranlists Ahmet Şık and Nedim Şener were arrested on 6 March in the scope of the Ergenekon investigation. Their ongoing detention once again drew attention to journalists in prison, a situation in Turkey that has fuelled concern for years. The arrests were harshly criticized in the country and abroad and pushed the discussion on violations of press freedom in Turkey. (EKN/EÖ)