Warning from Chicken Companies to Greenpeace

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Chicken companies of Banvit, Beypiliç, Keskinoğlu and Şenpiliç have sent Greenpeace a warning requesting the organization to close the website of the campaign “We won’t swallow that chicken” on which the report of the organization on the negative effects of industrial chicken production on human health and environment was published.
Greenpeace through its campaign “We won’t swallow that chicken” urges the chicken industry which threatens health, ecology and has turned into a torture of animals, to change its production chain by 2020. Within the campaign, the organization has issued its report titled “Using up the world” as to the negative effects of industrial chicken production on human health and environment.
“Let the companies make circumstances public and we will publish”
Tarık Nejat Dinç, in charge of Greenpeace Mediterranean Food and Agriculture Campaign has commented on the warning of the chicken companies as follows:
“These four companies copy-pasted and sent us the very same warning. Just like how they have been locking in the chickens behind walls, they probably wish to lock in the truth about the industrial chicken industry also. This is also why they want to censor us. If they are not using and prophylactic medications including antibiotics in their forages, if they do not use any GMOs but only local sources and their animals can move freely in the nature, let the chicken companies declare this openly. And we would love to publish this. Otherwise, we will continue our campaign like we have.
Headlines from the report
Some prominent findings from Greenpeace’s report are as follows:
* A 42 day-old chicken which is supposed to weigh 4,35 gr now weighs 2.5 kg because of antibiotics.
*In order to make a chicken gain 1 kg, 2.35 kg carbon dioxide is being emitted to the atmosphere and 4 tonnes of water is consumed.
* 18% of the greenhouse gas emission arises from animal husbandry and 8% from poultry farming.
* 33% of the world’s cultivated land is used for animal husbandry. 20% of the rain forests have been destroyed to produce forage.
* In Turkey, 1 billion chickens are slaughtered in 1 year. The chicken consumption has increased 5 times in 20 years. In Turkey chickens are being produced 1.5 times more by comparison to the average production in the world.
* 18 chickens have to survive in 1 m² without receiving any sunlight.