Voting Begins in Independence Referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan

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Voting has begun in the independence referendum held by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).
Ballot boxes were set up in Erbil, Süleymaniye and Dahuk provinces in addition to the entire disputed Kirkuk province, Tuzhurmatu district in Salahaddin, Hanekin district in Diyala and towns of Celavla and Karatepe.
Over 5 million people are eligible to vote. The polls that were opened at 8 a.m. will be closed at 6 p.m. The official results are expected to be declared within 72 hours.
Number of voters by provinces
Erbil: 1,200,000
Süleymaniye: 1,280,000
Kirkuk: 750,000
Duhok: 800,000
Mosul Lowland: 750,000
Other places: 420,000
Irbil says “dialogue”, Baghdad says “we won’t recognize”
The KRG declared that following the referendum, which is expected to result in favor of independence, it would start independence negotiations and hold the dialogue channels open with the Baghdad administration. However, the Iraqi government
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the international community not to recognize the results. (HK/TK)