Voluntary Doctors Face Investigation!

Health Ministry Audit submitted an official statement to Chamber of Medicines Administration, saying that it launched investigations on doctors of Gezi Park - a group of volunteer doctors who made the first aid to dozens of injured protestors due to police violence and saved lives.
Health Ministry claimed that Gezi Park protests were “illegal”:
“Departing from a statement released by Istanbul Chamber of Medicines, the ministry observed certain information and statistics on medical interventions to those who are wounded in illegal protests and treated by a group of self-organized and voluntary doctors in so-called infirmaries.”
Even the ministry claimed that it detected those “voluntary infirmaries”, voluntary doctors and Chamber of Medicines already announced their existence previously.
Ministry asked doctors names
Health Ministry submitted the following questions to Chamber of Medicines Administration: * Why did you not seek permission from Health Ministry on the medical practices and “voluntary infirmary” service coordinated by your chamber?
* For what reason did you come up with your own medical teams when Health Ministry’s medical staff and ambulances were already positioned during the events in Taksim?
* Who worked in the voluntary infirmaries? What are the duties, competences and titles of these individuals? How did you make sure that these individuals were competent and permitted to make medical interventions?
* What medical records have these “health volunteers” take and what is legal ground of these registries? Your website mentions “Judicial Phenomena Preliminary Evaluation and Documentation”. What is the legal ground of this process?
* Have patients been put through surgical interventions? If yes, are there any registries?
* How many patients were admitted and treated in these voluntary infirmaries? Are there any medical records? What are the names of admitted patients? Did you share this information with the ministry? (AS/BM)