‘Voices of the universe’ silenced: 30 years of Açık Radyo

Founded on Nov 13, 1995, Açık Radyo, which translates into “open radio,” was a regional radio station broadcasting to İstanbul and its surrounding areas. It was forced to end its broadcast on Oct 26, just before its 30th anniversary.
It had operated as a joint-stock company with 62 equal shareholders but functions much like a non-profit organization.
Each shareholder owns one of artist Abidin Dino's lithographs from his Tuğralar series, numbered 1 to 100, which serves as their "partnership certificate." A tuğra, or tughra, is a royal Ottoman seal, which Dino redesigned in his work.
On the back of each of the 100 tughras, there is an inscription that reads, "In recognition of your support in 1995 for the project to establish a free, independent, democratic, dignified, sensitive, and extraordinary radio station, with hopes that it will inspire new projects in Turkey..."
Açık Radyo was not affiliated with any interest or capital group, nor does it have any ties to the state. It is committed to pluralistic democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental human rights and freedoms.
In a media environment dominated by financial and political interests, Açık Radyo was one of the rare truly independent media outlets in Turkey—perhaps even in the world.
Their motto was "Açık Radyo—Open to all sounds, colors, and vibrations of the universe."
On social media, they have 188,500 followers on Twitter, 33,600 on Facebook, and 85,600 on Instagram.
Over 1,300 voluntary contributors
Açık Radyo’s team consisted of 26 people as of the date it ended its broadcast. Over its 30-year broadcast history, 174 individuals have joined and left the radio team.
In total, 1,406 people —ranging in age from 8 to 88 and coming from various segments of society and professions, including the unemployed—have contributed to 1,261 different programs.
This year, 229 producers created 143 separate programs every week on Açık Radyo. Including guests, the station’s studios and corridors welcome around 300 people weekly.
Some of the producers who have aired programs on Açık Radyo came from 23 different countries, including Germany, the United States, Belgium, Bosnia, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, the Dominican Republic, France, the Netherlands, Iran, Spain, Israel, Italy, Canada, Costa Rica, Lebanon, Russia, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, and Greece.
About one-third of the station's programs covered topics such as climate change, ecology, economics, sociology, general culture, philosophy, art, theater, literature, poetry, language, history, geography, science, technology, non-human species, agriculture, urban transformation, architecture, design, women and children, public health, earthquakes, and universal rights and freedoms.
One defining characteristic of Açık Radyo contributors is that they all work voluntarily. The fact that so many people voluntarily contribute their knowledge, resources, and expertise, sharing them with listeners reflects the true meaning of the station’s name, which translates to “open radio."
Broadcasting online since 2000
Açık Radyo launched its website in 1997 and live broadcasts in 2000. The website initially offered basic information about the station's programs, producers, schedule, and overall structure. Today, the Açık Radyo website hosts around 35,000 audio recordings, articles, interviews, analyses, photos, cartoons, drawings, and more.
The site currently offers regular podcasts for more than 60 ongoing programs, as well as podcasts for over 100 completed or paused programs from past seasons.
Click here to access Açık Radyo's podcast service. https://acikradyo.com.tr/podcastler
The impact of Açık Radyo
So far, around 8,000 articles, reports, interviews, and other media pieces have been published about Açık Radyo, its broadcasts, structure, programmers, and activities in both Turkish and international media.
About 170 reports and interviews about the station have aired on major Turkish television channels. Three documentary films have been made about Açık Radyo.
The station has even appeared in at least five novels, two research books, one feature-length film, and one crime novel.
Additionally, some of the programs on Açık Radyo have inspired "reference books." One notable example is Testi Kırılmadan: İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğinde Önleyici Yaklaşım (Preventive Approaches in Occupational Health and Safety), a book edited by Çiğdem Vatansever and based on programs by Ali Rıza Tiryaki and Cem Melikoğlu, which was published in 2011.
Listener support project
Ömer Madra, founder of Açık Radyo, describes the "Listener Support Project" as the station's way of life. The project is designed to ensure the station’s independence remains sustainable.
The Listener Support Project was launched in Mar 2004 with the slogan “Açık Radyo is looking for its listeners!” and has continued regularly in the years since.
The project included a special week of broadcasts dedicated to listener support, which has gradually evolved into a traditional radio festival.
The 21st and most recent Listener Support special broadcast began on the morning of Mar 16, 2024, and lasted for nine days, concluding on the evening of Mar 24.
On May 22, 2024, the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) imposed a five-day program suspension and a maximum fine on Açık Radyo's Açık Gazete program, which had aired on Apr 24. The reason was a guest’s comment during the program: “As you know, the commemoration of the Armenian genocide was banned again this year.”
In response, Açık Radyo applied to RTÜK for payment and paid the first installment of the fine. They also filed a lawsuit to halt the enforcement of the ruling. However, RTÜK proceeded to revoke Açık Radyo's license on Jul 3, stating that the station had not stopped its broadcasts as required.
Açık Radyo appealed the license revocation, and the Ankara 21st Administrative Court initially ruled in favor of halting the enforcement. However, on Aug 8, the court reconsidered the case and denied the request to halt the enforcement. RTÜK, without waiting for an appeal to a higher court, proceeded to enforce the license revocation decision from Jul 3.
The revocation of Açık Radyo's license was officially communicated on Aug 11 and was enforced on Oct 16.
Following this ban, Açık Radyo cannot switch to online-only broadcasting. Since an Aug 2019 regulation, RTÜK has been granted oversight of online broadcasts as well, requiring radio and TV stations to obtain licenses for online operations.
Sixty-eight awards in 30 years
Since its founding in 1995, Açık Radyo and its producers have received 68 awards. Here are some of the awards from the last 10 years:
2024: Radio Program Award – Dr. Ali Özyurt Health in Media Awards – İstanbul Medical Chamber
2023: International Hrant Dink Award – Hrant Dink Foundation
2022: Contribution to Turkey’s Imagination Award – Imagination Center
2022: Media Award in the Climate Leaders category – Our World Foundation
2022: 20th Anniversary Special Award – İstanbulSMD
2021: TFSF Award – Turkish Federation of Photography Art
2021: Audio Media Award – Demirkent Education and Research Foundation
2020: Prince Claus Impact Award – Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development
2020: Health in Media Awards – İstanbul Medical Chamber
2020: Audio Media Award – Demirkent Education and Research Foundation
2018: Health in Media Awards for Gezegenin Geleceği program – İstanbul Medical Chamber
2018: Art-loving Institution Award – International İstanbul Tüyap Book Fair
2017: Environmental and Climate Issues Award – Turkish Thoracic Society
2017: Most Child-friendly Nature Award – Şişli Municipality
2017: Communication Award – TMMOB Chamber of Landscape Architects
2017: Emre Madran Press Award – Chamber of Architects
2016: Radio Program Award – İstanbul Medical Chamber
2016: Different Like Us/Different Like You Award – DOSTEV Association
2015: Crystal Apple Advertising Award – Advertising Association
2015: Urban and Life Media Award – YAPDER
2014: Press and Publication Award – TSMD