US State Department Spokesperson: Arrests are Follow-Up to Disturbing Actions

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United States State Department Spokesperson, John Kirby has spoken as to three people who got arrested on charge of terrorism propaganda for acting in solidarity with the Özgür Gündem daily.
Kirby answered the question as to the arrest of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Turkey Representative, Erol Önderoğlu as follows in his daily briefing he holds with journalists:
“It is seen that this action is just a follow-up to disturbing actions aiming to intimidate legit debates, freedom of expression and freedom in Turkey.
“As we’ve stated earlier, we as friend and ally of Turkey once again call Turkish authorities to secure universal democratic values that took place in the Turkish constitution and involve freedom of the press as well.
“We believe that critical thoughts should be encouraged, not be silenced in a democratic society”.
RSF Turkey Representative Erol Önderoğlu, Turkey Human Rights Association (TİHV) Chair Şebnem Korur Fincancı and journalist author Ahmet Nesin were arrested on June 20 for acting in solidarity with Özgür Gündem daily. (NV/TK)