Union said 100,000 new teachers necessary, Erdoğan ‘breaks good news’ about 15,000

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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In a statement on social media, President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced that 15 thousand new teachers will be appointed to work in public schools.
President Erdoğan has tweeted, "I would like to break some very important good news to our teachers and our entire education community here. We keep on investing in Turkey's future. In order to offer more quality education to our children, we will appoint 15 thousand new teachers."
Buradan öğretmenlerimize ve tüm eğitim camiamıza çok önemli bir müjde vermek istiyorum.
— Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RTErdogan) September 8, 2021
Türkiye'nin geleceğine yatırım yapmaya devam ediyoruz. Çocuklarımızın daha kaliteli eğitim almasını sağlamak için 15 bin yeni öğretmen ataması daha yapacağız. Hayırlı olsun.
'At least 100 thousand should be appointed'
On the other hand, the Education and Science Laborers Union (Eğitim-Sen) made a statement ahead of the first day of in-class education earlier this week and said that when there are fewer children in classrooms in the conditions of pandemic, the current need for teachers will rise:
"Given that there will be close contacts or ill teachers from time to time, it is of considerable importance that the immediate appointment of at least 100 teachers is ensured in order to meet the need for teachers." (KÖ/SD)