Union exposes dangerous conditions at mine owned by ruling party MP

Workers at a coal mine in Manisa, western Turkey, have been protesting for eight days following the dismissal of seven workers for joining a union.
As part of the protests, the Independent Mine Workers’ Union (Bağımsız Maden İş) today released several videos exposing hazardous working conditions at the mine operated by Fernas Mining, a company owned by MP Ferhat Nasıroğlu of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).
The videos depict miners working in areas with continuous groundwater flooding, posing risks of electrocution and gas leaks. The union claims no safety measures are in place despite the constant presence of water and electrical equipment.
— Bağımsız Maden İş (@bagimsizmadenis) August 31, 2024
Sendikaya üye oldukları için işten atılan, 6 gündür gece gündüz direnen, jandarma tarafından saldırıya uğrayan madencilerin, milletvekili @fnasiroglu'na ait Fernas Madencilik'teki çalışma koşullarını teşhir ediyoruz.
Paylaşın, madencilere ses olun. pic.twitter.com/apFxxELOZm
Handling chemicals without protection
Another video shows workers handling hazardous chemicals without proper protective gear. "The restricted area where chemicals are used has been opened up by shift supervisors and company managers," the union alleged.
"Miners are working without goggles, overalls, or masks, facing the risk of blindness in the short term and cancer in the long term."
The union also raised concerns about the lack of measures to prevent contaminated groundwater from seeping into the soil and local water sources.
"Thousands of people, especially the miners working in these waters, are slowly being poisoned while no inspections are being conducted," it stated.
Bu gördüğünüz makine Jumbo makinesi, arkada görülen sarı lekeler göze değdiği anda hızlıca kör eden ağır kimyasallar. Videoda çatlakların kapatılabilmesi için hem kesim hem de kimyasal koruyucu işlem yapılıyor. pic.twitter.com/F3QzbMRpPa
— Bağımsız Maden İş (@bagimsizmadenis) August 31, 2024
‘Eating on top of containers’
Further footage reveals the absence of basic facilities like a designated break area for workers. "Miners are eating on top of chemical containers and cables," the union reported. Additionally, workers are shown operating machinery at height without proper safety equipment, risking falls and electrocution.
The union concluded its statement with a condemnation of the mine's owner: "Despite being an MP, boss Farhat Nasıroğlu is committing a crime by not implementing occupational health and safety measures, regulations, and legal articles, sending miners to their deaths!"
Çoğunuzun beş dakika dahi duramayacağı bu alanda madenciler günde 10 saat geçiriyor, burada çalışıyor, yemek yiyor, burada ihtiyaçlarını gideriyor. Patron @fnasiroglu milletvekili olmasına rağmen ISİG önlemlerini, yönetmelikleri, kanun maddelerini uygulamayarak suç işliyor,… pic.twitter.com/ZAU3yUc6gg
— Bağımsız Maden İş (@bagimsizmadenis) August 31, 2024