Union: Covid-19 cases found in 76 schools in Turkey

Photo: AA
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As of September 22, Covid-19 cases were found in 76 schools through Turkey, according to a statement by the Education and Science Laborers' Union (Eğitim-Sen).
About a month ago, the union stated that there were positive cases in at least 46 schools, citing information from its members.
Amid increasing Covid-19 cases, the school year started with online education on August 31 and first graders returned to schools on Monday (September 21).
"As child labor and millions of students' lack of access to remote education are considered as basic problem areas by the Ministry of National Education, steps [for a solution] are not taken," said the union. "However, it is absolutely necessary to take steps in order for all our students to enjoy the right to education equally.
Also criticizing the ministry for the access problems to the distance education system, saying that the ministry should have predicted the overload. On Monday, many students and teachers were not able to access the Education Information Network (EBA) system and some had to use other software for online classes.
Minister Ziya Selçuk said that the overload was actually "good news" as it showed there was high deman for distance education.
"While the Ministry of National Education did not take any precautions about this situation, it is notable that distance education continues in private schools," the union said. "The Ministry should quickly intervene and find a solution to the problem." (SO/VK)