UN Women Calls Women Leaders for Gender-Sensitive Covid-19 Response

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The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women's (UN Women) Turkey office has prepared a guide for women politicians to support them in the planning and implementation of a gender-sensitive response to the new coronavirus pandemic.
It calls women leaders, namely MPs, mayors and municipal councilors, to support equal sharing of domestic and care work between men and women. While women in Turkey do five times as much domestic and care work than men. The Covid-19 crisis will likely deepen inequalities, says the guide.
Women working in informal jobs are the first one to lose income
"Of all women working in Turkey, 42 percent works in informal jobs such as cleaning and child care. Women who work in informal jobs are the first ones to lose their incomes during times of crisis," the report notes.
"Women leaders should take into account the needs of those working in the informal employment sector as women constitute the majority of the workforce in this sector and they should make special efforts to deliver compensatory social support packages.
"Women leaders should ensure that the needs of frontline female health workers, including doctors, nurses, midwives, as well as medical facilities' support staff, are integrated into every aspect of the response effort.
"For example, they can support women's access to menstrual hygiene products such as sanitary pads and tampons. More importantly, they can listen to healthcare workers and address their needs through a gender-sensitive Covid-19 response."
Male violence and supporting women
Noting that women may face increased domestic violence during the pandemic, UN women says women politicians can empower support services for women who experience violence.
"Women leaders should support women's associations to access women and girls in need during crises.
"Resilient and widespread networks of women's associations can help disseminate messages and support delivering services related to social isolation, combating violence, equal sharing of domestic and care work and girl's access to education in this period of time.
"Besides, these organizations can ensure women have access to essential information on pandemic preparedness and response.
"Women's representation should be ensured to make sure that women's specific needs are reflected in mechanisms such as scientific boards, pandemic crisis teams and crisis management teams." (EMK/VK)