UN Report on Turkey: 600 Women with Young Children Held in Detention

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Calling on Turkey to end State of Emergency, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has released its report that constituted the base for its call.
The report has revealed the dire picture of Turkey with respect to judicial independence, NGO organization, journalism and fundamental human rights.
- The number of discharged judges and prosecutors: 4200; The number of detained lawyers: 570
- The number of detained or arrested journalists: 300
- The number of women with young children held in custody: 600
- The number of closed organizations: 1719
- The number of closed media outlets: 166
- Southeastern Region: 7,907 rights violations including 263 torturing occurred in the first quarter of 2017
- Trustees were appointed to 94 of 105 Kurdish-held municipalities
- The number of discharged academics: 380 academics (Academics for Peace)