UN Discusses Police Attack in İstanbul Pride Parade

Kaos GL, an LGBTI organization participated in session titled “Examples of improving and protecting rights of LGBTI” arranged by ILGA (International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) World’s Permanent Representatives from Brazil, the U.S.A and Geneva on June 29.
Ezgi Koçak on behalf of Kaos GL, U.S. State Department's first-ever Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons Randy Berry and Brazil Ambassador Regina Dunlop participated in session.
Koçak stressed that LGBTI legal struggle has becoming stronger and more visible day by day in spite of solid conservative policies over the past decade and pointed out that how LGBTI legal struggle was important in Turkey. Koçak emphasized that LGBT activism, Kaos GL, a lot of law-based working groups “set a good example” in both national and international field.
Ezgi Koçak mentioned police attack during 13th İstanbul Pride Parade and made it visible from the point of United Nations and stated that law-based struggle in Turkey would resist all violence and oppression and would continue. (ÇT/BD)
* We extracted this news from KaosGL.org.
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