Typewriter Cleaner Banned in Prison: ‘It Can be Used in Jailbreak’
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Taner Korkmaz’s request of a typewriter cleaner known as “daksil” has been turned down by Van Type F Prison management.
The reason for the ban is “the possibility that it could be used in jailbreak”.
The prison management’s decision is:
“The main purpose of the material called daksil is to correct the mistakes in the writings written with permanent pencils, however, it has been concluded that it can also be used to fill the tile margins in the prisoner cells, which qualify to be a threatening feature against the institution’s security and safety”.
“Get the plastic ones from the canteen”
Taner Korkmaz in his letter he sent to bianet stated that he was transferred to Van from Kocaeli Type F Prison three months ago, and the belongings he had in Kocaeli haven’t been given to him yet.
As Korkmaz applied to the prison management to get his belongings, his demand was rejected.
The prison management seized metal plate and fork he used in his previous prison by saying “Get the plastic ones from the canteen”.
Petitions of objection “got lost”
As Korkmaz asked about the outcome of his petition he submitted to Van Prosecutor’s Office on March 23, 2017, he received the response “There is no such petition on National Judiciary Informatics System (UYAP)”.
When he filed a complaint against the people who lost his petition, the “lost” petition was found and entered into system. (AS/TK)
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