Two Privates Die under Compulsory Drafting, Nonsuited

Two years ago, in Gölbaşı Ahiboz Gendarmerie Headquarters in Ankara, U.Ö and O.D., two privates under compulsory drafting lost their lives after an argument. U.Ö. allegedly committed suicide after shooting O.D. dead during a patrol shift. Military prosecution dismissed the case.
Military prosecution claimed that U.Ö committed suicide after killing O.D.
The incident occurred on August 27, 2013 in Ahiboz Gendarmerie Headquarters and U.Ö. had been shot in his forehead, right eyebrow and right cheek by three bullets.
According to the news of Felat Bozarslan and Ahmet Ün from CNNTürk and Doğan News Agency (DHA), two MP5 machine guns and six empty cases were found on the scene.
General Command of Gendarmerie Military Prosecution launched an investigation against Gölbaşı Gendarme Commander Captain Erkan Özçelik, Ahiboz Gendarmerie Headquarters Commander Master Sergeant Serhan Gümüş, Specialist Sergeant Salih Korkut, Sergeant Recep Yalçın and private D.Z with allegations of negligence and misconduct.
Completed the investigation after 20 months, military prosecution ruled that U.Ö. first shot his friend and then committed suicide by firing bullet against his head. The prosecution dismissed the case. (EKN/BD)
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