Twitter Account Aims to Remind “Today in 1915”

Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Armenian Genocide, Hrant Dink Foundation opened the twitter account “Today in 1915”.
Released in Turkish and English, the account shares the events leading to the genocide in 1915 day by day.
Murat Gözoğlu from Hrant Dink Foundation said that they have created the database by consulting various sources in Turkish, English, Armenian, French and German.
“We have a chronology as our main source. In addition to that, we continue searching other books from other languages. We also make an effort to find and share local human stories. In order to do that, we refer to a lot of memoirs. And we also share the message on the foundation’s Facebook page and Instagram,” he said.
Some of the tweets are as follows:
Jan 1: Sahag Odabachian, vicar of Erzincan, was murdered by the Special Organization, on the road from #Sivas to #Erzincan in Kanlıdere, Suşehir.
Jan 6: #Christmas was celebrated all around #Anatolia for the last time.
Jan 8: #Turkish and #Kurdish chetes (Halil Pasha's First Corps) attack #Armenian and #Assyrian villages in northwest #Persia. (...)
Dec 15,1914 to Jan 14,1915: Murders,pillages and abductions committed by Kurdish gangs of the S.O. under the command of Ömer Naci,a military officer of the CUP,in the kaza of Saray-Mahmudiye along the Iranian border in the Hasaran,Satmants,Akhorig,Hasan Tamran, Avzarig villages. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.