TurkStat: Turkey spent over 200 billion lira for health in 2019

* Photo: Rafet Bilgen/Twitter
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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), the government agency commissioned with producing official statistics on the country, released its "Health Expenditure Statistics" for 2019 today (November 19).
According to the TurkStat statistics, the total health expenditure increased by 21.7 percent in 2019 when compared to the previous year and reached 201 billion 31 million Turkish Lira (TRY) last year.
While the general government health expenditure reportedly reached 156 billion 819 million TRY with an increase of 22.5 percent, private sector health expenditure was estimated to stand at 44 billion 212 million TRY in 2019, marking an increase of 18.8 percent.
78 percent met from general budget
The ratio of general government health expenditure to total health expenditure was 78 percent; it was 22 percent for private sector in 2019.
Considering the subgroups of general government and private sector, percentages were as follows: Social Security Institution - 51.7 percent; central government - 25.6 percent; households - 16.7 percent; insurance companies - 2.9 percent; non-profit organizations serving households and all other enterprises - 2.4 percent; local government - 0.7 percent.
According to the TurkStat figures, current health expenditure increased by 21.1 percent in 2019 compared to the previous year and reached 187 billion 673 million TRY. Investments on health expenditures reached 13 billion 357 million TRY with an increase of 30.5 percent.
Per capita health expenditure: 2,434 TRY
Considering the distribution of total health expenditure by health care services providers, the first three ranks remained at the same level in 2019.
Hospitals with 48.2 percent had the largest share in the health institutions applied for health care services and products in 2019. Hospitals were followed by retail sale and other providers of medical goods with 25.8 percent and providers of ambulatory health care with 11.9 percent.
Health expenditure per capita reached 2,434 TRY with an increase of 19.9 percent in 2019 while it was 2,030 TRY in 2018.
Ratio to the GDP: 4.7 percent
The ratio of total health expenditure to GDP was 4.7 percent in 2019 while it was 4.4 percent in 2018. The ratio of current health expenditure to GDP was 4.3 percent in 2019 while this ratio was 4.1 percent in 2018.
Out of pocket health expenditures made by households for treatment, pharmaceuticals etc. reached 33 billion 626 million TRY with an increase of 17.4 percent in 2019 compared to the previous year. The ratio of household out of pocket health expenditure to total health expenditure was 16.7 percent in 2019. (HA/SD)