TurkStat: Over 400,000 people moved from İstanbul to other cities in a year

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Over 2.7 million people migrated within Türkiye in 2021, according to a new report by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat).
According to the report, between 2007-2008, the migration rate between cities was 3.18 percent and grew, following fluctuations to 3.28 percent in 2021. Last year, 2.7 million people migrated between cities, 47.5 percent were men, and 52.5 were women.
İstanbul received the largest number of migrants with 385,328. Ankara, the capital, is placed second with 197,702 people, and İzmir received 131,394 migrants.
However, İstanbul, Ankara, and Izmir also have the highest numbers of people moving out of the city. 406,164 people left Istanbul, 165,604 left Ankara, and 109,470 left Izmir.
Ardahan welcomed the least amount of migrants, with 4,750 people, followed by Tunceli with 7,540 and Kilis with 7,474.
Bayburt saw the least amount of people migrating away, with 6,384 people moving. Ardahan became close second with 6,445 people, and Tunceli became third with 6,517.
Most people migrating within Türkiye are between 20-24 years old. A total of 731,384 people in their early twenties moved, 41.6 percent of them men and 58.4 women. From this age group, 386,646 people enrolled in a university different from their city of residence.
Isparta relatively received the most number of migrating students, with 17.5 percent opting for the Southwestern city, known for its rose water and carpets. In second place came Bayburt with 16.8 percent and Burder with a close 16.7 percent.
Cities receiving comparatively the least number of students were mainly in the Southeast of Türkiye, Şanlıurfa with 0,2 percent, Şırnak with 0,4 percent, and Mardin and Diyarbakır with 0,7 percent.
A total of 686,973 people moved within Türkiye because of education. Other causes for migrating were due to other members of the household moving, with 570,244 people, and moving because of finding better living conditions with 429,752.
Women moved more across the country than men. A total of 412,700 women migrated within the country compared to 274,273 men. For both sexes, education, better living conditions or due to a member of the household were the primary reason for moving. (TY/WM/VK)