TurkStat: 56 Million Tonnes of Waste Disposed of, 47 Million Tonnes Recycled in 2018

Photo: pixabay.com / RitaE
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The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) has announced the results of the Waste Disposal and Recovery Facilities Survey.
Accordingly, the survey was applied to all waste disposal and recovery facilities having a license or a temporary license, and, regardless of license, to controlled landfill sites, incineration plants and composting plants operated by or on behalf of municipalities.
According to the survey results, it is determined that a total of 2,223 facilities, of which 166 were waste disposal facilities and 2,057 were recovery facilities, were in operation in 2018.
56 million tonnes of waste, of which 17 million tonnes was hazardous, was disposed of in 159 controlled landfill sites having a total capacity of 799 million cubic meters.
494 thousand tonnes of waste, of which 65 thousand tonnes was hazardous and 429 thousand tonnes was non-hazardous, was disposed of in 7 incineration plants having a total capacity of 757 thousand tonnes/year.
In eight composting plants having a total capacity of 483 thousand tonnes/year, 138 thousand tonnes of waste was processed and 35 thousand tonnes of compost was produced. Furthermore, in 40 co-incineration plants having waste recovery licenses, 1 million tonnes of waste was incinerated with energy recovery. In other 2 009 licensed recovery facilities, a total amount of 47 million tonnes of metal, plastic, paper, mineral, etc. waste was recovered.
In the scope of the Waste Disposal and Recovery Facilities Survey, it is aimed to compile data on waste regarding final disposal and recovery. Therefore, pre-treatment operations such as waste collection, sorting, temporary storage, etc. were left out of the scope of this survey, the TurkStat noted. (HA/VK)